Chap. 96

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"It's my baby sir fixed it pretty much by myself and everything" what... "Wow that's amazing and your telling me you just found it at the junk yard?"...was... "I know right when I saw it I knew I could fix it up of course with help from my boss Philo and my best friend Chris" ...happening "Well why didn't your father help out?" her father asked cutting his steak. Emma stood in the doorway watching the interaction between her boyfriend and father shocked. At the moment they seemed to be bonding and she definitely wasn't going to break it up. Blake wipes his mouth with his napkin seeing her in the doorway "Well my dad and mom both work alot so neither of them could help. Not that my mom would have anyway when she found out I had it she had a fit" her father laugh making her raise a brow she hasn't seen that in awhile "I can imagine" she walks into the room her father turns his head finally noticing her. She takes her seat back at the table looking between them "Am I interrupting something?"  she begins to eat her food looking at her father curiously "Your boyfriend here was telling me about his motorcycle outside. He told me he with help fixed it up and everything I have to say that's rather impressive" he said with a small smile Emma glanced over at Blake who was beaming with pride. She softly bump her shoulder against his grinning "Well he's a pretty impressive guy father" her father nods in agreement as her mother reappears in the doorway. Emma's heart stops in her chest as their eyes meeta brief moment. It was her mother's choice weather she would join them at the table or go off upstairs to pout the rest of the night Blake joins his hand with hers under the table. Her mother clears her throat before walking back to the end of the table back to her seat. Emma thought she may cry that her mother who was used to getting her way all the time without fail. Decided to let it go this once and give into her demands "I hope I haven't missed anything?" her mother said before looking at her husband picking up her fork. She turns her head to look at Blake "So Blake....what was it you do again" Emma looks on and stops chewing her food as she watched her mother and Blake holding a conversation. They chat back and forth while eating on there food she was surprised that her mother dropped her bitchy behavior long enough to actually hold full conversations with him. After awhile they are all talking her father making a joke here and there Blake talking about himself now and again. And her mother adding to the conversion when she felt it was needed. At the end of the night the dinner didn't turn out to be that terribly awful and when Black left her father let her know he didn't mind him to much he appreciated Blake laughed at his awful dad jokes. Her mother on the other hand agreed to giving him a chance and agreed to try harder to not be to judgmental. Before Blake left he made sure to ask her parents if it was ok to take her the next day to try for her license and luckily they agreed to let her go. Emma was extremely excited to be trying for her license tomorrow.


"And here you go congratulations Miss Pear you are officially a licensed driver" the driving instructor at the DMV said with a smile before handing her, her brand new driver's license. Emma grabbed the license from his hand excitedly "Thank you sir" he smiled turning to leave. She looks down at the card grinning "That's a cute picture" Blake said beside her looks over at the smiling picture on the front. She had know clue what he was talking about when she looked at the picture her smile was way to big "If you say so" he laughs as they begin walking out the DMV. They head in the direction of where Blake's car is parked "Now all you need is a car and your set" he said while opening her door for her she climbs inside as he makes his way around the car. He did have a point she didn't need a car but she's been saving up her money from work she should be able to get a used car in hopefully a few months. When she first got the job she didn't intend to be doing it longer than the summer and honestly after dropping the bombshell of dating Blake on her parents she was nervous to tell them about her working at The Underground. Blake starts the car heading down the road "Maybe I should quit working at The Underground?" she said while turning the plastic card in her hands. He glances over at her brow raised "And why would you do that I thought you loved it there?" he had a point she genuinely does like working there and didn't wanna quit but what if her parents found out? She slides the card into her pocket shrugging "It's about your parents right..? I'm sure they'll get over it I mean their ok with me...I mean your dad seems ok with me at least. I'm pretty sure they would be ok with you working there" she nods leaning back looking at him. The windows rolled down blowing his messy dark hair around one of his elbows leaned on the window while one of his ring covered hands steered the wheel. Soon they would be back in school and she wouldn't be able to peaceful have these moments with Blake again. Though she was happy she didn't have to work about her extra programs anymore Blake would probably be busy taking care of Alex and working along with school work. She lets out a sigh making him grin slightly "Stop staring Em" she grins while rolling her eyes "Neeevvver~" he laughs placing his other hand on the wheel before using his other hand to hold hers. She might as well hold onto him as tightly as she can for right now and enjoy their remaining summer moments together.

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