Chap. 65

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Kandy- How's it going down there?

Emma reads Kandy's text message aloud as she lays back on her bed the sunlight streaming through her window into her bedroom. Emma texted her earlier to find out how she's doing at Chris's parents house. Kandy informed her how nice Chris parents where and how they loved Kandy since day one so she was having a great time. Now that they got that out of the way Kandy wanted to know how she was doing.

Emma- I'm doing alright I actually planned a girls day today to look for christmas presents

Emma rolls on her side looking over at her locked door she didn't want to tell her about the craziness going on with Jason and the chief of police. Honestly she just didn't want to worry her Kandy instantly reply's back

Kandy- The girls?

Kandy didn't know Emma was close with the other girls at The Underground yet. Well might as well let her in the loop now right better late then never.

Emma- Whitney, Claire and Niki it's gonna be a fun day I think

Kandy- And your parents are just gonna let you go?

To be honest Emma hasn't even asked her parents if she could go. Luck was on her side today because they both weren't home today so she didn't have to deal with them. She locked her bedroom door anyways out of instinct she just used to doing it at this point.

Emma- Probably not but thank god they aren't home right now they both had work and expect me to go to violin practice but I'm skipping it today

Kandy- Oookkk world look out, we have a bad ass over here  💯

Emma rolls her eyes with a smile as she hears a beep outside. She climbs out her bed looking out her window Seeing Whitney in a white jeep waving up at her. Her hair was now in long blonde braids Claire looks at her through the windshield cat ear headband a top her head. Niki sat in the back seat a big smile on her red painted lips Emma smiles waving back at all of them. She lifts the window yelling "I'll be right down" before slamming the window closed. She picks up her lavender cross body bag off the bed along with her phone she sends Kandy one quick text.

Emma- Their here gotta go ttyl

Turning off her bedroom light closing her bedroom door she hurried down stairs opening the front door walking over to the jeep. Whitney was the first to greet her "Hey Emma ready to get this show on the roll?" Emma nods with a smile "I love your hair Whitney" she replies with a thank you playing with one if the braids "If you ever want braids let me know I can do your hair for you" Emma used to have braids alot growing up but around 12 her hair took off growing like crazy. Since then she liked to wear her hair straight with the bang but who knows maybe one day she's go back to the braided look, good to know Whitney would be welling to do it "Thanks Whitney if I ever want to change up I'll let you know" she says while Niki opened the back seat door for her. She climbs inside Claire turn back in the seat smiling "Hey girl this is gonna be so much fun" she claps her hands slightly full of excitement before facing back forward. Emma buckle's her seat belt as Whitney starts back up the car heading down the highway "I this is actually my second girls day ever. The first time I had was with Kandy" Emma stated shyly adjusting the strap of her bag. Niki pushes her arm slightly "Don't worry about it you have us now and we'll go out all the time together" Emma grins as the other girls agree with Niki. Claire looks back in the rearview at her "Yah I can't wait to take you with me to comic book conventions" Whitney grins while rolling her eyes "I'm definitely going to take you with me to wine tasting you'll love it and we paint while we do it" Niki leans forward between the seats looking at Whitney "She still underage dude" Whitney raised a brow obviously not knowing yet that Emma was only 17. Emma quick interject as Niki leans back in her seat "But I'll literally be 18 January 1 which your all invited to my birthday party of course don't worry about getting me anything. But my parents are kinda crazy so dress yah know classy. Don't show any tattoos or they'll flip" or course she would love to have all her friends there but they needed to know now that her parents are nuts. They all agree to stop by on her birthday "So wine and painting is on for next year" Niki laughs while bumping her shoulder against Emma's "And of course I'll need a wing woman going with me to bars but before that we need to get you some sexy clothes" Emma looks down at her knees length flowy pink dress. They finally pull up outside the mall Claire turns smiling at them "I like Emma's style it's super cute" she winks at Emma before opening her door. They all follow her lead climbing out walking towards the mall. Emma couldn't wait to get inside and find Blake the perfect christmas gift.

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