Chap. 14

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"Mom I told you I had a good time even though the dance was trash what more do you need to know." Blake let's out alittle laughs as he leans back on the couch beside his mom who just watched him curiously. Alex lays on the ground playing Mario kart with his dad both of his parents where home today so this weekend is off to a good start if only his mother would let this dance thing go. She hasn't let it go since this morning and continues to try to find out why he stayed out so late and it was getting pretty old to Blake. She bites her lip tilting your head to the side "So nothing happened then but you didn't come back till so late?" he sighs leaning his head back making Alex laugh. He turns facing his mom holding both her hands "I didn't ditch the dance it was just lame so there is really nothing to tell mom" he can tell just by looking at her that she doesn't believe him "Buuuut" he lets out a dramatic sigh letting go of her hands. His dad call back over his shoulder "Let it go Nicole if he doesn't want to tell us about his drug and orgy filled night events he doesn't have to" he dad looks back at them busting out laughing at Blake's disgusted face along with his mom's horrified face. Alex throw his controller to the ground grinning "Beat you again old man also what's a orgy?" his dad just rolls on the ground laughing while Alex sat watching him confused "Andy stop laughing my baby boy knows nothing about those things right Blake?" she raised her eye brow in him. He stands abruptly pushing his hair out of his face "Oooook I'm going for a late night walk now" he says awkwardly sure his parents were embarrassing the crap out of him right now but it was nice to have them home. He walks towards the door grabbing his old bomber jacket off the back of the door just before he close the door he hears Alex saying "But what's a orgy?!".


"Will you stop fidgeting Emma" her mother said pushing Emma hand away from messing with the end of her sleeve which was a nervous habit. Making Emma roll her eyes she looked forward she didn't understand why her mother insisted to dress her up like a prize pony ready for the show every time they come to meet her friend. They just got to her big picket fence house and was stood outside "Best behavior now Emma" she nods as her mother knocks on the door before fluffing the curls around her face. The door opened to malibu Barbie stepping out with a wide grin and a deep southern accent "Ohhh will I do live and breath it's been too long Emma for a second I thought you forgot all about us" she pulls Emma into a tight hug. It makes Emma cringe the woman smells like margarita mixed with chanel perfume "Umm...yes hello Ms.Prim how have you been I'm sorry I haven't been in along time" she states falsely as they pull apart the women leading them inside closing the door behind them. They walk into the big living room lined with Jason's awards and family pictures margaritas sat on the table along with two bottles water. They all take they're usual spots "She's been very busy lately my little over achiever that for sure" she mother smiles fixing the navy headband on Emma's head before sitting beside Ms.Prim. Jason walks down stairs making his way over giving Emma a nod she returns it with a smile Ms.Prim laughs waving off the comment "I'm just so happy you decided to come with your mother this time I'm sure Jason missed your company" she smiles over at Emma. Jason sits at his usual spot beside Emma facing their mother's "You know, I understand more than anyone what it's like to have a gifted child" Ms.Prim gesture to Jason with a proud smile. He gave his mother his dazzling smile reaching over the table to shake her hand "Hello Ms.Pear it's nice to see you again. And of course Emma it's always great to see you" he says looking over at Emma as he sits back down. Her mother glances over at Emma nodding in approval as if to say he was what she should be looking for in a man "You raise such a well-mannered young man Clara I wish I could get Emma to follow simple directions. Just the other day she came back home past curfew after I was gracious enough to give her the day off from extracurriculars" she shook her head as if it was the worst situation in the world. Emma never went against her mother's rules why did her mother feel it necessary for this one time the bring it up honestly it was the most fun Emma had in years but of course her mother wouldn't care about that "I'm telling you I'm so happy I had him in private schools since birth best decision of my life. It's not like we don't have the money after all" she says smugly making Emma pick up one of the water bottle taking a huge gulp swallowing the bitter taste in her mouth. She mother sighs picking up her margarita taking a long sip "Your so lucky you met David" voice full of envy Ms.Prim nods in agreement Emma rolls her eyes looking out the window Ms.Prim thought she was so great because her husbands dad invented toaster strudel so I guess you could call her the toaster strudel queen or something. The sad thing was Ms.Prim didn't even like sweets it was sad and ironic at the same time. As Emma looks out the window spaced out as the conversation continued on. She see's a familiar mess of black hair blowing in the wind outside the window "Um pardon me but I think I need a bit of air" she says before standing. Her mom gives her a dirty look but she continues on her path in the front door she makes it outside speed walking to catch up to him "We meet again are you stalking me or something?" she teased Blake turns looking down at her lite cigarette between his lips "Your the one that run up to me" he did have a point there she thought poking her lip "Touche umm new jacket?" she points at the dark blue jacket. He looks down sighing heavily pretending to be annoyed but the slight smile on his lips gave him away "More like old jacket, because this rando girl kinda stole mine soooo" he pulls the cigarette out his mouth blowing out the smoke she crosses her arms softly pushing his chest "I'll give it back to you monday and Hey I'm not a rando" he looks over her outfit noticing her dress while sliding the cigarette back between his lips. Pushing his hands into his pockets while grinning "What you so dressed up for this time huh got a hot date or something?" Just at she was about to reply she heard a familiar male voice behind her "Emma are you alright?" Jason said standing on the porch looking their way intensely. Making Blake glare at him a moment taking the cigarette out his mouth before looking back at Emma "Oh I see don't let me hold you up from your date I'll see you monday" he doesn't give her a chance to reply before tossing the cigarette on the ground turning back around and walking down the street. She lets out a heavy sigh watching him go before walking back to the house "Who was that man Emma?" Jason questions as she's walking past him she stops walking a moment "No one Jason absolutely no one and I'll be happy if you keep it to yourself" she walks past him into the house.

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