Chap. 18

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"Mom..Alex what are you doing here?" Blake stumbled over his words in complete shock seeing his mom and little brother "I'll ask the questions around here young man and if you must know your brother had a doctor's appointment today so I let him come home early" his mom says as Blake bends down helping Emma up. Emma stands beside Blake awkwardly shifting from side to side she was mortified that this was the first impression of her to Blake and Alex's mom his mom looks down at Alex "How do you know this girl Alex?" Alex looks over at Emma wearing him brothers clothes looking as red as a tomato as he pulls the lollipop out his mouth before speaking "Umm she's my after school tutor" he said softly before putting the candy back into his mouth their mom quickly glares at Blake a moment who simply shrugs. She slowly gets down on one knee in front of her youngest "Why don't you go upstairs and show Miss..." she glanced over at Emma for her to speak "Pear ma'am" Emma whispers before looking at Alex "Yes go show her your new Minecraft toys while I talk to Blake down here" she smiles as she stands back up. Alex grins with excitement lollipop stick stuck out his mouth he walks up to Emma taking her hand leading her up to his room already talking her head off about his new set of toys he got a few days ago Emma looks back at Blake hesitantly before she was pulled out of sight. As soon at they are out of sight Blake flops back onto the couch looking up at his angry mom who has her hands on her hips frustration and anger clouds her eyes "Care to explain why I come home to find you and a girl I've never met here at home instead of school" she says tapping her foot waiting for him to say something. Blake sighs looking to the side "It's a long story mom" she throws her hands up in annoyance "And I have plenty of time Blake!" he rolls his eyes while crossing his arms "Well that's a first" he whispers making her huff out a breath "Care to repeat that Blake?" she said in a warning voice pointing a finger at him. He stands up slowly wanting more then anything for this conversation to be over with "No mom just let me explain a girl throw a drink on her at school and I'll just go ahead and tell you, you may or may not be getting a call from the principal in the next few days umm I may get suspended" he pressed his eyes tight cringing at his own words but in his mind telling him mom straight like this was better them her or his dad randomly getting a call from the school. He's mom shakes her head sighing "Oh Lake what did you do, you know what...don't even tell me" she rubs her timples feeling a migraine coming on "Why did you have to get involved? it's so unlike you to well umm help people like that" well his mom did have a point this was very unlikely him. He doesn't know why just jumped to help Emma maybe it was because she was nice to him...maybe it was because she was to good to be treated that way he didn't know why he did it maybe he just liked her she was pretty nice but he was definitely not about to tell his mom that "Umm I don't know I just felt like it I guess" he crosses his arms looking down his mom looked over him intensely a moment. Her eyes suddenly widen with realization "Is she the girl from the dance?" she points upstairs his eyes slightly widen a moment before looking up at his smiling mother face "Oh my goodness it is her don't get me wrong I'm still mad you ditched school and that you'll probably be suspended but that's the girl?..the reason you came home looking so happy the other day" she said the words to fast and full excitement he could barely understand her. He looks into her eyes could already see the gears turning in her brain "No mom n.." she abruptly cut him off "We should have her for dinner your dad will be home soon for lunch break" Blake frantically shakes his head side to side in disapproval. Emma couldn't stay for dinner his family would embarrass the hell out of him around her but he know it was to late when his mom yells "Miss Pear please come down here a moment!" Emma comes from Alex's from room standing at the top of the stairs. Him mom smiles widely with her hands on her hips "Would you like to stay for dinner dear we would love to have you" Blake stood behind his mother shaking his head no quickly alittle grin spreads on Emma's lips. His mom turns her head looking back at him he abruptly stopped shaking his head pretending pick at his red nails polish "I to" Blake give her a dumbfounded while him mom smiles excited "Great dear I hope you like sea food" Emma shrugs grinning as Alex comes out his room pouting "Love it" Alex pulls on Emma hand while waving a action figure around with the other. He begins pulling her back to his room "Miss Pear the androids are attacking I need your help!" he says dramatically making Emma and his mom laugh "Go ahead don't keep the kid waiting" Emma lets herself get dragged off by Alex. Blake lets out a sighs as his mother starts to make her way to the kitchen "Oh and Blake...your grounded for ditching school" he rolls his eyes and she walked into the kitchen to prepare dinner while Blake quickly made a call to cancel the pizza he ordered he didn't need him mom getting mad at him for anything else.

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