Chap. 5

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After taking everyone to Sonic Emma gave Blake her address and they make there way towards her home which happened to be pretty close to their own house. Despite his distaste for most younger women Blake didn't mind being around Emma to much she was smart,sarcastic and funny at times even at moments when it was silent it was comfortable silence. At the moment they are just now pulling up outside her house she was fidgeting with the to go bag on her lap all she got from Sonic was mozzarella sticks and a bottled water, despite him telling her to go crazy and get whatever she wanted she didn't want to spend too much of his money. She would occasionally glance over at his dash clock it read 6:30 indicating she missed her violin appointment. Her parents would kill her if they knew luckily she father's car wasn't in the driveway so hopefully they wasn't home. She turns in her seat facing him "Um thanks for the ride and the food you didn't have to soooo" she smile adjusting her backbag strap on her shoulder he shrugs as if it wasn't a big deal she looks back at Alex smiling "I'll see in a few days alright I won't be your tutor for the next few days I have a few other extra curriculars I need to get done". He pouts but nods his head understanding "Bye Bye Miss Pear" Blake takes off his sunglasses putting them into his cup holder as she looks back over at him "Ok um ok well see you at school" she gives him a awkward wave while opening her door stumbling as she climbs out making him laugh softly "You good?" she quickly climbs out the car embarrassed as she nods her head cursing herself for being so clumsy. She almost just fell flat on her face in front of one of the most handsome men she ever seen she was definitely not ok "Good" he whispers as she speed walks over to her door stopping at the steps taking her keys out her bag looking back at the Mustang one last time giving a shy wave before opening the door stepping inside "Emma Aston Pear" hearing her full name being called makes her sigh. So apparently mother was still home "I got a call from Ms. Green saying you didn't come into violin class today I was worried sick" she says putting her hands on her hips as Emma walks past her making her way towards her room. She turns facing her mother as her mother yells for her to stop walking..for what to yell at her more? "And who was that dropping you off? What's that in your hands?" she asks pointing at Emma's to go bag tapping her foot impatiently. Emma used the bag to cover Chan's phone number on her hand the last thing she needed was for her mother to jump to conclusions. Emma came up with a quick lie to get her mother off her back for the meantime "Um after I finished my tutoring session one of the teachers that was leaving asked me if I wanted to get lunch with her. I...honestly lost track of time mother I'm sorry" she hung her head letting the hair cover her face. Her mother lets out a heavy sigh looking to the side full of frustration "I called and called you and you never picked up your father will be hearing about this. Get to your room this minute and practice your violin Beethoven's sixth Symphony I don't wanna hear a word from you the rest of the night" she makes her point by stomping off into the kitchen. Emma lets out a sigh she didn't even realize she was holding at least her mom fell for the lie  it would have been a lot worse if her mother have found out the truth. With that thought she walks towards her room closing the door behind her picking up her violin prepared to practice for at least five hours. But as she picked up her violin she see's Chan number on her hand she sits on the corner of her bed taking her book bag off sliding out the phone. Sent a quick text to Chan

Emma-  hey it's Emma from school I just wanted to let you know I'll definitely see you at the dance my address is Ocean Street 463 I live in the orange house on the corner

Chan- Hey I can't wait I'll pick u up at 8 dress pretty for me

She blushed letting out a girly scream falling back onto the bed holding the violin to her chest. Sure she was kind of lying again her parents didn't technically agree to let her go to this dance but she would just have to convince them this was a once in a lifetime opportunity she had to at least try. She hears a heavy knock on the door as she  saved his number in her phone "I don't hear Beethoven in there!!" Her mom yells making Emma groan sitting back up positioning her violin in her arms again ready to lose herself in the music.

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