Chap. 7

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Blake some how managed to clean up the ice cream and give Alex a bath he just finished tucking him into bed Blake could feel that Alex was watching his expression in the light of his night light "What is it Alex?" He whispered as he sat on the corner of Alex bed it was annoying to him that Alex was just staring at him. Alex picked at his blanket hesitating to talk "I really am sorry about the ice cream" Blake sigh shaking his head ruffling Alex's hair "Dude it's fine I got it all cleaned pretty fast" which was a total lie it took way to long. Alex fixes his hair back in place pouting "Where you able to finish your homework?" Blake looks away nodding his head but Alex could tell it was a lie he may be 9 but he wasn't dumb. Blake stands from the corner of his bed walking towards the door hearing Alex softly call his name " you think I'm annoying?" Blake quickly turned looking at him confused as to were the random question came from. Alex sighs looking away slightly embarrassed "I heard some girls at school say I was annoying that's why mom and dad work so have time away for me" he whispered finally meeting Blake's eyes as he sat back on the corner of the bed beside him. Wow kids these days are nosy as fuck they need to mind there own business "Of course your not annoying and them working alot has nothing to do with you alright? Don't let's those girls get to you." Alex nods his head rolling over to face away from him. Blake sighs rubbing Alex back softly "You want me to kick their ass?" Alex laughs as his question rolling back over to face him "Their girls and in forth grade Blake" Blake shrugs standing up sliding his hands in his jean pockets "I'm ok with going to jail for you" this makes Alex laugh alittle harder bringing a smile to Blake face. Alex let's out a yawn sleep finally calling his name "Night kid" smiling Alex closes his eyes as Blake making his way out the room cracking the door behind him. It made him mad to hear people where picking on his brother why would anyone bully Alex? he was adorable sure alittle hyperactive but adorable and caring. He hears the front door opening glares over at the clock he sees it's alittle pass midnight and it appears his parents decided to make an appearance. His mom walks in followed by his dad Blake starts to turn around walking back up the stairs planning to go back to his bedroom and pretend that he's asleep. His dad see's him first as he sits on the living room couch "Hello son how was your day?" he stops rolling his eyes before as he stops walking turning to face both of them. He crosses his arm walking closer "Fine busy but fine so you guys still want to talk to me about something" his mom smiles at him which makes him nervous for some reason "Yes sit down a moment" he sits beside his down hesitantly looking between them.His mom pulls out a small colorful piece of paper out of her jacket pocket it looks like it has been crumbled up "I found this in your trash can a few days ago while I was cleaning up around the house. I thought it would be a great idea if you go yah know to have alittle school fun. Your father and I have already took that day off so we'll watch Alex and you can go out and have fun" she says voice full of excitement while Blake looked at her like a crazy lady. Trash was in the trash for a reason but somehow she was able to find a flyer that was given to all the students about the dance coming up in a week now she wanted Blake to go that's not about to happen "I don't want to go I throw it away for a reason mom" he voice was full of annoyance which makes his mom slightly glare in his direction. He rolls his eyes leaning farther back into the couch "Come on son it could be fun" his dad says patting his son's shoulder Blake looks at him raising his brow "Dad.. it's lame I'm not going" he stands up over the conversation. His mom crossing her arms "Stop right there Blake we are doing this for you. We know that you've been having a hard time taking care of your bother 24/7 your stressed and over worked" was his mom a therapist now or something he lets out a breath looking at his dad for back up which he didn't give "I don't even have a date or anything to wear" she points a finger at him while she heads up stairs "I'm sure you'll figure that out after all, what girl doesn't like a moody guy and you have alot of great clothes" she says with a half grin stumping upstairs apparently his mom as one this battle. He fall back onto the chair beside he dad defeated "We are just looking out for you son please try to enjoy the night for us" he pats his son on the head before standing up heading upstairs towards their bedroom. Blake rubs his hands down his face dances weren't even his thing but he didn't really have time to worry about it he had his homework to finish after all and to him that was more important he would figure out the dance shit later he stumps up the stairs feeling exhausted.


"Please mother" it was the next morning and Emma was currently trying to convince her mother and father to let her to the dance a week. At the moment she was losing the argument "Darling it would be a complete waste of time" her father say as he looks down at his newspaper uninterested "Exactly why would you want to waste your time when you could be having dance practice that same night. And why should we even let you go out when you came back late last night and you didn't even go to your violin practice" her mother shakes her head disappointed. Emma pace's around the kitchen trying to think of some way to make them agree "Pears don't break commitments and I've already agreed to go with someone" Emma says knowing that keeping promises was always a big deal to both her parents there eyes quickly snap to her "And who would that be?" her father questioned suddenly interested with a raised eyebrow. She presses her lips feeling like she has the conversation right where she wants it "Chan Lee captain of the football team most popular guy in school" she said it was full of pride that someone like him would want to hang with her "That doesn't matter you should have let us know prior to you agreeing!" her mother says voice full of anger. Her father rubs his chin thinking "Do you even know anything about the boy does he come from good family with money and brains?" her mother's eye flash towards him while tucking a stray hair behind her ear "Gerald that hardly matters" she crossed her arms holding a hand up towards him. Emma presses her hands together begging "Please mother I won't ask you for anything else I'll do whatever you want just let me go this one time" she holds up a finger hoping her mother noticed her determination she mother sighs thinking it over moment "Fine you can go but the weekend after the one night you don't have anything to do you'll come with me to my work friends dinner no complaints and I don't want to hear anything about the boy again and you'll have to keep your phone on the whole night and keep us updated, deal?" Her mom says with a wicked smile holding out her hand she father looking between them. In retrospect it was a awful plan to just agree too this she was basically signed away her freedom away for a night but at least she would one night to just do whatever she wanted to do without the watchful eyes of her parents "Deal" she says with a bitter sweet smile shaking her mothers hand.

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