Chap. 92

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"I admit I shouldn't have talked about that boy that way but you shouldn't be keeping secrets from us" Emma's mother says as she sat on the couch in front of them the next morning. Emma didn't care about even getting ready for the day she was still in her light blue matching pajama set hair messy around her face she didn't care if the mark on her neck was visible or hidden. But by the look on her mother's face is was on display. At the moment she didn't care about anything her head hurt from crying all night and her eyes where still red. She didn't respond to her mother's comment because it didn't feel necessary her face remained cast downward "Are you on drugs or something like that is that's why you've been this way?" her mother asked making Emma head instantly raised. She saw her father glaring at his wife "Melissa..." he said sounding agitated before continuing "What we're trying to say is we want you to be honest with us dear about how you feel" he said while clasping his fingers together on his lap. If hey really wanted her honesty they were definitely about to get it "I don't like being in all these extra programs the only one I actually enjoy is violin because I was forced into it a 8" she said straight out making her mother's eyes widen. Her mother gives a fake smile "But they look good to colleges it's all for your best interest" Emma crossed her arms looks her mother straight in the eyes "I don't care I don't want to be apart of any of them anymore. Starting today I don't want to be apart of all these things I'm ok with staying in violin but I want to be taken out of everything else" her parents look between each as if considering it. She continues talking ready to do whatever it takes to get her point across "I'm 18 I should be able to make some choices of my own I want to try for my license Blake has been helping me..." her mother lets out a sigh through her nose hearing his name again. Seeing her mother's expression she continues on "I also want hang out with my friends and live my life. And I'll promise to be honest with you guys from now on. And....I'm sorry for pushing you last night mother" she looks between them as they take in the newfound information. Her mother nods looking over at her husband for support "Fine I'll take you out of everything by violin it's your life after all if you want to ruin it like this...." she starts sounding annoyed and frustrated before her husband glares at her a moment "But 100% honestly starting today" Emma smiles feeling like for the first time she finally winning over her parents. Of course she wouldn't voluntarily give up all her information and business but if they asked her a question sure she would answer it truthfully depending on the question of course. She nods as her father leans back crossing his arms "Where did you go last night during your party?" she could see her parents where going to start questioning her right out the gate. She plays with the ring around her finger "I went for a walk" she said trying to avoid the question. Technically she wasn't lying she did go for a walk her mother rolls her eyes "Did you end up with that boy?" She nods not hiding the truth anymore "His names Blake...and yes I did end up with him" her mother huffs softly. Her father noticed her fidgeting with the ring "Did he give you that?" Emma stops messing with the ring looks down at it "Yah" a small smile making it's way on her lips "Can I see it?" he asked holding out his hand. She hesitates the moment before sliding off the ring handing it to him. He turns the ring around in his hands while her mother watches beside him. She mother noticed the inscription on the inside "What does it say on the inside?" she said while squinting her eyes to see the tiny writing. Her father passed the ring to her mother who looks at the ring more closely "Will you be my girl" her mother passed the ring back to her which she puts back on "So your dating him...I mean you're dating this Blake boy?" Emma nods with a big grin she liked him and was over hiding it. Her father watched her expression closely before nodding "And...I really like him" she looked at her mother scanning over her face. Her father claps his hands leaning back "Well I think it's time we meet this kid don't you Melissa?" he looks over at his wife while Emma's mouth drops slightly. She was shocked they where actually willing to meet him "Not today obviously we wanted to take you back to school shopping today" her mother said noticing Emma's expression "How's this friday?" her mother asked while Emma nods. She would walk to Blake's later and ask if he was free hopefully he was this was a once in a lifetime chance "I'll ask him later I'll walk to his house he lives right down the road" she said quickly unable to control her excitement. Her mother gives her a small smile "Did you spend Christmas over there with their family is that where you got all that new stuff in your room?" Emma hesitates for a moment and then nods her head. She shrugs her shoulders slightly "The stuff in my room is mostly from my friends Blake gave me this necklace tho" she plays with the necklace around her neck with a smile. Her father nods before standing "Speaking of gifts your friends left you a few before they left last night we just sat them on your bed. Be ready around 3 we'll take you back to school shopping. I'm going to go outside cut the lawn" he pats the top of her head before walking towards the front door. Her mother nods pulling her phone out her pocket "And I have to go make a few calls taking you out of all these extracurriculars will take time" Emma stand watching her mother being to walk towards the kitchen. She stops her by calling out her name her mother stops turning towards her "Please give him a chance mother" she said almost begging for her mother to see Blake the way she see's him. She mother just stare at her a moment like the was analyzing her "I'll try" she whispered before walking away into the kitchen. Emma lets out a exhausted sign rubbing your hands down her face while making her way upstairs to her room. When she got into her room to take her mind off everything that just happened she opens her birthday presents from her friends. Opening Kandy's first she got her a light blue lingerie set with a note inside saying "You can thank me later" with a winky face she knew Blake would probably appreciate it. Whitney got her a new book called See Me it seemed pretty interesting it was a short story so Emma guessed she could probably finish in a few hours. Claire gave her a cute pink cat shirt with glitter on it and in true Niki fashion she gave her a little black dress. And Chris gifted her a pair of retro headphones needless to say she racked up this year for Christmas. Although her parents didn't give her any gifts her friends really came through for her. Opening the presents helped her relieve some of the stress from talking to her parents. She couldn't wait till she stopped by Blake's house later and told him the good news that her parents actually wanted to meet him.

Mia note- I hope you like the story so far why not check out my others while I work on this one.

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