Chap. 97

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"Are you excited for your first day back to school? This year will be different from previous years with you wanting to be out all your extracurriculars except violin" Emma's father asked the morning of her first day back to school. She was chewing on her granola bar, sitting at the kitchen table waiting for Blake to pick her up. Her father was reading his newspaper like he usually does in the mornings. He had work in a few hours, and her mother was already gone to work she left before Emma even woke up "Well honestly I'm feeling a mix of emotions at the moment. Nervous because it's my first day excited because I'll have more free time after school and anxious because my new classes I know I'll have math and I'm not thrilled about it because I'm not the best at math" she said with a sigh she excelled at academic attributes but always sucked at math. Her father hums softly, sitting the newspaper down a moment "Well just try to relax, remember it's just high school it's not college just do your best that's what your mother would say" she stands throwing the granola bar wrapper into the trash. She turns to her father while pulling her bookbag on her shoulder "Do you think she's coming around...?" her father raised a brow confused by the sudden question "To what specifically?" she shrugs slightly, leaning back against the wall "I don't know...with me dating Blake with me dropping all the stuff she put me into. She seems mad at me over all this she hasn't had  a full conversation with me since the dinner we had with Blake days ago" Emma was never that close to her mother her and her mother would never have long conversations with each other in the first place but Emma was able to notice the slight change. The some what cold shoulder her mother was giving her was unnerving "She'll come around Emma. I'm sure just give it some time" he said before picking back up his newspaper hiding his face behind the gray printed paper. He was obviously trying to avoid the conversation surrounding her mother she was about to respond before a beep was heard outside "I'm just saying it would be nice if mother would actually try to support my decisions instead of acting like she doesn't even remember my existence" she said with a huff while pushing herself off the wall. Before her father could respond she walks to the front door and outside slamming the door behind her. Hand clinched  around the bookbag strap she sees Blake leaning back against the mustang he tilts his head slightly as he notices her upset expression. She pressed her lips as she walked closer she prayed he wouldn't ask her what was the matter she didn't feel like talking about her feelings right now. He walks around the car opening the door for her she climbs inside whispering a soft thank you. She leans her head against the window as he runs around to back to his side with a car. On the whole ride to school he still doesn't press her on what was wrong with her which she was glad for. He simply held her hand to give her comfort he wanted to know what was upsetting her but he didn't want to upset her anymore. He knew when she was ready to talk she would talk and he would be there to listen to her.

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