Chap. 49

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Well I guess all good things have to come to a end that was Emma's thought at the end of the 2 weeks camping trip while zipping up her bag. It was the end of the trip and it was time for her to go back to reality everyone has already packed up the tents and camping supplies. Blake's parents where putting their last set of bags into their truck "It was nice getting to know you these last few weeks Emma we hope to see you around the house more often hopefully with our promission this time" his mother looks at Blake a moment before sending her a smile climbing into the truck making her blush slightly remembering the day she walked in on them. Alex climbs into the back seat smiling over at her Emma smiles waving at him  Mr. Blake looks over the truck at Blake "Are you riding home with us or Chris?" honestly it was probably a better idea for him to ride home with his parents but Emma could feel her heart speed up before climbing into the back seat of Chris car. She sits her bag on her lap watching Blake through the glass windows. They where tinted so she knew he couldn't see her but why did it seem that he was staring into her soul? Chris turns in his seat looking back at her "Don't worry he'll definitely be riding with us" she looks at him a moment before looking back out the window watching Blake was saying something to his father she couldn't hear what they were talking about though. She faces Chris again brow raised "How do you know?" looking back towards the window watching Blake starts making his way to the car "Dudes a simp for you" Kandy laughs from the front seat while Chris climbs out the car lefting the seat for Blake to get in. Emma couldn't help the grin on her lips as he climbs into the spot beside her he turns towards her "Hey" a small grin on his lips "Hi" she whispers before glancing at the rearview mirror at Kandy who's wiggling her eyebrows at her. Chris starts up the car and heads in the direction of the news station "Hey Emma I remember you mentioning you wanting like a summer job you can work at The Underground if you want as a waitress" she scratch the top of her head there definitely no way her parents would let her work somewhere like that. Wait a second what gave Chris the arthropathy to just hire her didn't he just hang out there "No offense but how can you just get me a job there?" Chris lets out a laugh looking back at her in the rearview mirror "Dude I own that place" her eyes widen she would have never knew Chris owned The Underground. She thought the owner would have been that girl with the megaphone from the first time she went there Chris was just a big goof ball "Wow Chris thank you but I don't even know if my parents would let me work there plus how would I even get there?" Blake softly pushed her shoulder she turns looking at him "Your smart I'm sure you'll figure something out" she smiles before looking onto her lap starting to think of a way that she could make that work. Chris continues "Well if you want the position just come in at like 6 Friday you would work for 6 to 11 friday to tuesday I know that's kinda late but the underground is definitely night life" Kandy turns in the seat looking at her through her glasses "And please don't come dressed this" she points to her outfit her mother packed for her. It was a long dark blue skirt with a lacy tank top "Sorry girl but its just not the vibe of The Underground" Emma knew Kandy was telling the truth she could never go there dressed like this she would look like a fool. Only problem was she didn't have any showy type of clothes she didn't have anything that would show off her body. They pull up outside the news station her parents weren't here yet to pick her up. Kandy climbs out pulling back the seat for her Blake grabs her hand "I'll text you" he slowly pulls her closer locking lips with hers. She closes her eyes leaning into the kiss enjoying every moment she didn't know the next time she would see him physically so she had to enjoy every second he moves his hands to the side of her face cupping her cheeks "Ok guys no more making out in my back seat please" Chris say but she barely heard him from the pounding of her own heart. Blake sighs against her lips before slowly pulling away leaving her breathless while laying his forehead against hers eye's still closed "Cya" he finally fully pulls away from her. She swallows hard finally opening her eyes looking at him while bitting her lip "Cya" she climbs out the car with her bag. Kandy sends her a wink before closing the door Chris car drives to a parking spot Emma guessed once her parents picked her up Kandy would leave with them. Her phone beeps in her bra she quickly pulls it out seeing a message from Blake.

Blake- Kinda miss you already ngl

Emma lets out a laugh looking over at Chris's car she doesn't reply just slides her phone back into her bra. Kandy looks over at her smiling to herself like a idiot "You to have it so bad" shaking her head as Emma's parents pull into the parking lot her smile fades with the thought that her life was about to go back to normal.

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