Chap. 2

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Class finally ended for Emma she's speed walking through the hallway books and folders piled in her arms. Making her way to her locker her puts some of the books inside filling her bookbag with history books. Today was her first day tutoring history at the elementary school she was excited yet nervous she was informed that she would be tutoring a little boy named Alex who had ADHD. She heard someone call her name as she was closing the locker throwing her bag over her shoulder. Turning her head she see's Chan Lee captain of the football team all time hottie calling her name heart began pounding in her chest he was the most popular guy in the school why would HE be talking to her, for a second she thought she was going to pass out. She looks around thinking maybe he was talking to someone else but he laughs softly smiling and points at her waving her to come closer. Her legs shake as she walks closer until she is standing right in front of him and his group of friends "Emma right?" Chan says with a wide smile perfect teeth shining geez was this whole guy perfect? The answer was probably yes Emma thought to herself "Yes I'm Emma" she pushes her bangs out her eyes. The mexican girl beside him named Reina glares as Emma like dirt she was one of the most popular girls in school and apparently Emma just made her list "Well I don't know if you know this but there a dance coming in a week...yah wanna go with me?" he asks shyly Reina bits her red lower lip looking away. Emma couldn't believe her ears was Chan Lee really asking her on a date right now "Are you serious?" the words leave her mouth without even think. Chan looks down shyly his guy friends laugh at him softly "I mean yes but if you already have a date it's fine...." she hastily shakes her head "No of course I don't..I mean I would love to go with you" she bits her lip looking at him shyly he grins "Cool". He doesn't break eye contact as he reaches his hand out for his friend to hand him something his buddy hands him a sharpie he reaches for her hand. She hesitantly gives it to him he writes a number on the back of her hand "Text me" he winks at her before walking away with his group. Once he walked away she felt like she could finally breathe again looking at the number it was his phone number. She had a big goofy grin on her face at she walked out the front doors making her way to the elementary school.

30min later....

Blake finished his after school detention for coming to class late he tossed the pink slip they wanted his parents to sign into a near by trash can. There was know way he would tell his parents about him being late to class because he was smoking in his car yaaaah absolutely not happening. The hallways was now mostly empty as he walked outside he past a group of populars chatting he could easily over hear their conversation "I can't believe you asked her to the dance and not me your into black chicks now?" the squeaky mexican female voice fills the air sounded like nails on a damn chalkboard. Glancing out the side of his eye he saw Chan Lee and some other random popular kids he recognized Chan as being one of the biggest dicks he ever met he would act sweet and kind to get what he wants but he's just a ass that talks crap about everyone and anyone 24/7. He's personally heard Chan call him a freak or loner on more then one occasion and then try to pretend like you're cool right after. He rolled his eyes at them as he got to his car "Reina you don't have anything to worry about it's all a prank. She just a nerd it will be fun to play with her. Your not even my girlfriend anyway so chill" she rolled her eyes at him seeing over at Blake she winks at him licking her lips "Well I could always find a bigger dick to suck" he just climbs in his car sliding on his shades whispering "In your dreams" before speeding out the parking lot Chan had some evil plan but as far as Blake was concerned it wasn't his problem or business.

Mia note: We love a diverse cast of characters in a story right?

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