Chap. 28

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"So I ended up telling the mayor I couldn't accept the key to the city any person in their right mind would have saved that baby when the stroller ran in front of the bus" Jason says bragging as he bites into fish on his plate. They sat at a fancy restaurant on the rich side of town snooty people sat all  around them as a pianist sat in the corner playing a delightful melody. She nods pickings at the pasta on her plate "That's very impressive" she muttered he grins while taking a sip of water It was obvious to her he brought her here to try to impress her. After all what type of woman wouldn't be impressed by someone bringing them to such a fancy restaurant and pay for their food. Emma wasn't that type of woman she wasn't someone like Reina at school she wasn't materialistic sure it was nice for him to do all this but it wasn't necessary. For her pizza and cozy movie night at home was a dream date "Not as impressive as our kiss a week again" he say smugly making her fork fall from her hand onto the overall priced plate of food. Why was he choosing now to bring this up when she couldn't just leave "You weren't supposed to kiss me like that" she whispers suddenly feeling embarrassed so she takes a sip of water looking to the side. He cuts his fish waving it slightly on the fork "I know but does that even matter the director loved it, the crowd loved it, and I loved it I felt sparks didn't you?" he puts the fork into his mouth slowly pulling it out keeping eye contact with her. It was kinda like he was daring her to go against his or something? Why was he acting so weird it was making her seriously uncomfortable so she just hummed deciding not to answer. Suddenly he slams a one hand against the table making her jump "I said didn't you feel sparks!?" he says in a low yet intense voice making her swallow hard. She realized the more time she spent around him the more weird and possessive he became. When she first met Jason he was pretty quiet but he kept to himself for the most part now he's totally different talk about pulling a Jackal and Mr. Hyde for real. She decides to play along with his game for now who knows what he'll do "Yes...definitely sparks" a smile spreads on his lips as he forcibly that's one of her hands to hold "I'm so happy to hear that" her hand was probably a sweaty mess but he didn't seem to mind. In front of her parents he acted like the perfect guy but now he's really showing his true colors "Yah know I've always liked you Emma I know our parents kinda forced us together at first but the more I'm around you, the more I watched you. The more I fell for your charms even though you act like you could care less about me..." he said grinding his teeth digging his nails slightly into her skin. She makes a pained expression trying to pull away but his hold was to strong "For me since I moved here a few years ago it has always been you" her eyes widen what was this dude on? cuz he was acting really crazy right now. He finally let's go of her hand which she quickly pulls to her chest holding it there looking down seeing his deep nail imprints still in her skin. He lays his cheek against his open palm "And the best part is if you try to tell on me....know one will believe you. After all I'm the air to the toaster strudel fortune. You should be proud of yourself for landing someone like me I promise I'll make you happy" he smiles widely. It makes her skin crawl she really felt trapped would her parents really not believe her if she told them this happened...would her mother even really care "Your my world baby I just wanna to be your universe I want your world to start to fall around me" a nearby older couple aww at them thinking they are a couple. She wanted to run over to them and beg them to save her from him but she knew she couldn't she would look like a crazy person. She flexed her fingers to get feeling back in her hand while glaring down at her plate "I know you won't fight back will you...I know you won't, your a submissive girl that's what I love about you it's you best quality" he grins cutting up his fish before stabbing it with his fork. He holds the fork to her pink lips his blue eyes piercing into her deep brown fearful ones "Say aww" she didn't want to follow his orders but she could feel other people watching them she felt pressured to comply. It's all she's ever known so she slowly opened her mouth and he slides the fork inside she eats the fish grudgingly a slow smile spreads on his perfect lips "Good girl".

(Mia note- Hey are you guys liking the story so far this. I plan to make this one a bit of a longer one. If you like it maybe go check out one of the others I've made.💜

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