Chap. 46

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"Sooo where cha sneak away to last night?" Kandy asked with a grin she slowed her pace to match Emma's. Everyone else was hiking ahead of them chatting amongst themselves. Luckily for her his parents didn't question her personally when her and Blake emerged from the woods earlier. They probably didn't want to make her embarrassed or uncomfortable they where probably give Blake a ear full right now though. She watched his back from behind as him,Chris and Alex where having some conversation about who would when in a fight werewolves or vampires. He was laughing about something Chris had said throwing his head back eyes closed is made a small smile make it's way onto her lips "Hello? earth to Emma" Kandy waves a hand in front of her face laughing. Emma quickly snaps out of it "Oh um I'm surprised Chris didn't tell you anything consisting he was the one that found us" no offense against Chris but he was kinda a loud mouth so it's odd to hear he didn't tell Kandy anything. Kandy shrugs glancing up at Chris's back with a pout "Blake probably made him promise not to tell. But you could let me in on the secret now" there was no way Emma would tell Kandy it was totally to embarrassing. She looks to the side sighing deciding to try to shift the conversation "How do you know I left the tent last night instead of this morning you where sleep when I left the tent" Kandy rolls her eyes while smiling bumping her shoulder against Emma's "I'm a light sleeper I knew as soon as you left I was waiting for you to come back I waited so long before I fell back asleep" Emma bites her lip while kicking a rock. She didn't mean to make Kandy wait up for her god this was all so embarrassing "I couldn't sleep last night...I was going to go for a walk to tire myself out but Blake was outside to so be decided to go together. We found a clearing laid down and ended up falling asleep that's all no big deal" she whispers Kandy just smile's at her totally not believing her lie. She suddenly winks "Alright then, keep your secrets" Emma laughs softly at the Lord of the rings quote while shaking her head "Oh before I forget my birthday is coming up in a few months January 1 I'm sure my mother would love for you to come to the party she's throwing for me. You can even bring Chris along it would honestly be so much more enjoyable if you guys are there" the night would be a total bore if none of her friends come. Kandy taps her chin thinking it over "Well me and Chris will be at his parents on Christmas but we should be back by your birthday we'll definitely be there" she smiles pulling her into a tight hug "Don't worry about getting me a gift the fact that you guys will be there will be a enough" she says before pulling away. Kandy shakes her head "Don't be crazy me and Chris are both getting you birthday and Christmas presents we'll leave you Christmas presents at Blake's house" Emma grins so happy she was able to find friends in Kandy and Chris. She never had close friends before she felt so loved here around everyone "Come on slow pokes!" Alex yells back at the waving his hand for them to pick up the pace. They quicken their pace joining up with the rest of the group she walks beside Blake. He looks as her with a soft smile which she returns in this very moment she couldn't be happier.

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