Chap. 12

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"So as shitty as the night started. It didn't turn out to bad huh?" Blake asks as they they walk side by side down the boardwalk. Emma chose this as their last location for the night the sun was setting light reflecting off the water they where the only ones out at this time of day. The air was slightly nippy but neither of them seemed to mind "Yah it wasn't so bad thanks Lake" she smiles but then it slowly fades as she looks down. He quickly takes notice bumping his shoulder against her's for her to continue "I'm just dreading going back to school Monday" she presses her lips sighing she didn't feel like going back and seeing all those jerks again. She just know the news about her and Blake would be spread around by then and the story would probably get all mixed up. He stops walking leaning against the railing looking out over the water "Well at least we have night so don't worry about tomorrow" he grins watching as she leans against the railing beside him. His eyes drift from the water to her scanning over her in his leather jacket she looking like a porcelain doll the leather didn't fit her gentle look but he found himself liking that "Did I tell you I liked your dress tonight?" he said before he could stop himself she let's out a snort looking away. She pulls the jacket closer looking at the different words on wood railing "Yah right, I look so plain compared to all the other girls that were at the dance" he leans his cheek against his palm looking at her "I'll have to disagree you Emma where definitely the prettiest one there" she laughs rolling her eyes blushing. She rubs her hand over her face "I can't believe I even tried to look good for that dick" she states shaking her head in disbelief he let's out a snicker looking around. He hoped she'd take his words seriously that she looked good tonight "Well you look just perfect to me" he whispers so quietly she barely heard him. Bitting his lip he pushes the hair out his eyes "So why did you pick this place as our last spot?" she sighs debating on weather to tell him the truth or not. She picks at the wooden rail and began to speak full of hesitants "I...I come here when it all becomes to much" she looks as him with a smile that doesn't reach her eyes to him it looks rather sad "When I was younger my mother would push me even harder then she does now. one day I got my first C on some stupid test I don't even remember the subject" she rolls her eyes looking away as the memories come back like a hurricane. He watched her closely hanging on to every word "I just remember I ran...I ran right out the door...right out the house I ran and ran till I ended up here" she hesitates looking under her lashes at him. She was afraid of him see her in a different light she wasn't even fully sure she could fully trust him yet. But a part of her wanted to open up to someone and here he was willing to listen to her "I...I remember climbing on top of the railing looking at the cold rocky water debating on jumping and just ending It all" his eyebrows scrunch together watching as she fights with her own inner demons. On the outside she looked like she had it all together all the time he would have never guessed she would do something like that he licks his lips. He found himself wanting to comfort her but he didn't want to push her out of her comfort zone so he kept his has ring covered hands clasped together on top of the railing. She swallowed hard letting out a jagged breath "Just when I was about to jump I got scared and with wobbly legs I stepped backwards back on the solid ground sat down on that bench over there" she point behind them a few feet away to a green bench facing the water "At least a hour holding myself before walking back home. Where my parents proceeded to yell at me for running off like that" she let's out a bitter laughs hesitantly he reaches hand out rubbing her back. It gave her alittle comfort to know she was at this place again but she wasn't alone this time she had Blake beside her. They stay in a comfortable silence a few moments as the sun finally fully sets around them "Your parents sound like real assholes" she laughs that was an understatement of the year "Yah but there my parents" he shrugs finally removing his hand from her back as dim street lights start to turn on "Just because they're your parents doesn't mean you have to like them 24/7 my parents get on my nerves to they were the only reason I went to that damn dance anyway. Though I'm kinda happy I went now.." she smiles when she suddenly remembers the reason her parents weren't bothering her right now was because she left her phone on do not disturb. She pulls her phone out her pocket it was 12:05 which meant it was already passed her curfew to be home she quickly turning back off Do Not Disturb she saw multiple mistakes and missed calls from her parents god she was so dead she thought letting out a heavy sigh. Blake watches her reaction tilt his head to the side "Problem?" she hands him her phone so he could see all the missed messages "Huge I need to get going home now" she pace's around and he scrolls and taps on her phone a few seconds before handing it back. She starts to walk back towards his car him following quickly behind her.


He parks the car outside her house "Despite everything thanks for making this a fun night Lake" she smile at him holding up the teddy bear he won her "And thank for winning me Tex here". He laughs apparently she has already chosen a name for the pink bear "Don't mention it Em" she plays with the hat on the bear's head a moment "You'll still remember my existence monday right?" she couldn't help but ask because he was known for being a loner she really didn't want him to shut her out. He laughs a second pretending to think it over which just ends up making her more nervous "Duh I'm not that shallow I'll see you monday" she grins holding the bear to her chest "Cool". She climbs out the car with a goofy smile walking up to her house all the lights we're out so she hoped her parents just went to sleep. She sends Blake a quick wave which he returns before pulling away from the house she softly opens the door peeking her head through. The coast seemed clear she practically ran up the stairs to her room closing the door softly behind her. She smiles falling back onto the bed with a giggle holding the bear close she hold it in the air above her head noticing she still wearing Blake's jacket. Her phone vibrates in her pocket she scrunches her eyebrows together before pulling it out "Blake...?" she whispered how did he get her number.

Blake-My jacket looked to good on you for me to remind you to give it back. I guess you'll just have to give it back Monday 😉

(Mia note:Blake def. put his number in her phone at the board walk he's so smooth lol

It Started With Hello On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara