Chap. 60

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Emma follows Blake up the steps to Alex's friends door faintly she could hear the children's laughter on the other side

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Emma follows Blake up the steps to Alex's friends door faintly she could hear the children's laughter on the other side. It was a beautiful brick house with a white fence surrounding it toys scattered on the grass lawn probably from the kids inside. Blake knocks on the door before looking down at her "He'll be so happy to see you" she smiles softly as they both wait for the door to open "Who's his friends that live here?" she asked curiously Alex never really mentioned having friends. Blake knocks on the door again thinking the adult inside probably couldn't hear over all the children yelling "Alex calls them Nat and Matt but their real names are Natalie and Matthew their twins just as hyperactive as him" he says while shaking his head "Their mom actually work with mom and dad I think their dad is a chef" he shrugs while playing with his rings. Emma couldn't help but grin thinking about all the trouble the pair of kids probably get into it was nice to hear Alex had friends. The door finally opens and out steps a white woman with curly brown hair past her shoulders wearing light blue jeans overalls with a white t-shirt underneath a friendly smile on her lips. She looks between the pair of them before her brown eye's settle on Blake "Hello Blake here to pick up Blake huh, come on in the kids are in the living room" while the walk inside the woman face's Emma "Your Emma right it's nice to meet you Alex and their mom has told me all about you. I'm Grace and my husband is in the living room with the kids his name's Logan" Emma nods with a smile barely able to hear her over the kids playing. They make it into the living room seeing a white man with short straight brown hair spinning Alex around on his shoulder while two other kids jump up and down around him laughing. The kids his the man with foam play swords their was a little girl with curly hair like her mother sticking out the bottom of a backwards black snapback. She was wearing red shorts and a over sized Panic at the disco shirt Emma could tell she was the tomboy type. The other kid was alittle boy had short brown hair faded on the sides wear jeans and a wrestling shirt "Wow I hate to ruin all the fun" Emma said they looked like they where all having such a good time. Alex finally stops laughing looking over at them "Miss Pear hey!" he yells waving a hand which she returns before Alex was thrown onto the couch softly by the man making him laugh. The curly hair woman shakes her head "Alex please go grab your bag honey their here to take you home" he rolls off the couch onto the floor before standing up making his way upstairs to get his bag the little boy following behind him. The little girl sits the sword on the ground "I'm Nat" she says to Emma her father smile rubbing her shoulder "Her name's Natalie and I'm Logan" he holds out his other hand towards her Natalie rolls her eyes at her dad's comment before turning and running up the stairs probably to join the boys. Emma shakes his hand with a smile "I'm Emma sir you have lovely home" He smiles while Grace laugh softly while she picks up a few toys off the ground "What a respectful young lady keep her around Blake" he points a finger at Blake the smile not leaving his mouth. Blake rubs the back of his neck awkwardly as the kids finally come from upstairs as the little boy makes to the bottom he says "I'm Matt" Emma smiles at him making him blush slightly while looking away. Nat laughs at him hitting him on the back Alex whispers to him "I told you just like a Disney princess right?" the little boy nods rubbing the top of his head not about to meet her eyes again. Alex grins putting the bag on his back "Well it was nice having you Alex visit anytime honey we love to have you here" Grace says putting the toys into their play box in the corner of the room. Alex smile giving her and Logan a hug "Thank you ma'am" he says before facing his friends "Bye Matt" the boys give each other a hug before pulling away. He turns facing Nat she smiles at him "Cya Nat" he gives her a wave before making his way to the front door. Emma saw Nat smile fall slightly as Alex walks away without thinking. The little girl was clearly upset about not also receiving a hug the twins run back upstairs. Blake wave at the parents "I hope he wasn't to much trouble" Logan shakes his head waving off Blake's comment "Of course not if you would believe it Alex actually keeps Natalie and Matthew out of trouble" Blake simply laughs as if it was a crazy statement to make before opening the front door. Emma face's them smiles "It was nice to meet you both" Grace smiles while Logan gives a wave "You to honey have a good day" they walk out the door closing it behind them Alex walks ahead of them towards Blake's car. Blake opens the back door for him "Why didn't you hug Natalie goodbye Alex?" Emma asks as she gets into the passenger seat Alex climbs into the car "Dad always told me not to hug a girl I don't like as more than a friend because they may get the wrong idea" he says while putting on his seatbelt. Blake rolls his eyes as he gets behind the wheel "But you do like her more then a friend so I'm confused to Alex" he laughs as he looks back at his brothers cheeks turning bright red "I do not!" he yelled looking out the window. Blake begins to drive home a smile on his lips "Sure kid...sure" Emma laughs shaking her head.

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