Chap. 58

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The next morning Emma's eye's slowly up as the sun from the window shine's through the blinds. The first thing she realized after opening her eyes was that she wasn't home she slept over at Blake's in his bed. They watched movies and talked until they both fell asleep together glancing over at the tv seeing it was now off even though she remembers falling asleep in the middle of the Spider man movie. At first she was nervous about staying over thinking  what would happen if his parents came back in middle of the night. But as the night went on and she saw no sign of either of them returning she got more and more relaxed to the point of falling alseep. She also took note she was now in bed by herself where was Blake? She wondered while nuzzling her face against his blanket loving the smell on his cologne. Finally sitting up she stretches her hands over her head yawning she didn't even want to get out of bed but she wanted to find Blake. She stands from the bed naked feet meeting the cool wood floor as she pads over to the door. Cracking it open looking around the empty hallway she still was seeing no sign of anyone. Walking down stairs the smell of burning food hits her noses making her cringe. Following the smell it leads her to the kitchen seeing Blake attempting to scrap a burnt pancake off a pan "Fuck it" he whispered though his back was to her she could tell he was frustrated by the pancakes. He was wearing boxers and a simple black v neck t shirt which was messy with flower and what looked like eggs. She smiles slightly sitting at the kitchen table hands folded neatly on top the table "Maybe I should just order them instead?" he says rubbing his jaw. She lets out a small giggle through her hand "I think that's a good idea too" he stops trying to pry the pancake off the pan sitting on top of the oven and turns looking at her shyly " I wanted to try cooking you breakfast but turns out I'm shit at cooking" she laughs she didn't want to agree with him but the burning smell was literally making it hard to breathe. She watches as the smoke from the burning pancakes raised into the air she points towards the pan in front of him he quickly faces forward "Shit" he takes the pan off the heat waving his hand in the air. He quickly turns off the oven "I may still be good.." she stands walking over to stand beside him looks down at the dark oddly shaped pancakes "I don't know about that Lake" she laughs he raised a brow picking up a fork handing it to her. She takes it looking at him like he's crazy "Try alittle bit" he says cutely making her smile she didn't mean to crush his spirits but this pancake literally looked like death. But she couldn't say know while looking at his adorable morning face hair all messy over his eyes sighing she stuck the fork into the pancakes. Trying to cut it it was like cutting rubber it was acting like it didn't want to be cut. It was as if these pancakes where made of leather or something. Finally she's able to pull off a small bit looking up at him she raised the fork slightly "On my gravestone make sure to let them know my death was your fault" he laugh while she pulls it into her mouth. While chewing it her noticed the texture was gritty and hard and some how it had a burnt yet salty taste that had her gagging "Oh My God" she places her hand over her mouth when felt crunchy bit's inside. Speed walking to the trashcan opening the led she spits it out still have the awful taste in her mouth "Ok so I'll order us pancakes?" she nods with a grimes on her face. He picks up his phone from the counter typings away she assumed he was ordered the food "Didn't you say you had to pick up Alex from his friends house today?" He nods sitting his phone on the counter picking up the burnt pancake throwing it in the trash. He comes back to the sink attempting to scrub it clean "Yah I do but I'm picking him up at one. I thought we could do something fun while we wait tho" she sits back at the table watching his back. He turns looking at her "I'm going to take you driving" he smiles watching her eye's widen.

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