Chap. 69

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"So are you gonna tell me what happened?" Blake asks as they sit beside each other on the couch. The walked through the door at least a hour ago and Emma still hasn't mentioned the letter in her bag. Alex was upstairs playing games on his switch and now would be the perfect time to talk about it all but she just couldn't find the right words to start. She was scared to bring it up because it would make the whole situation much more real. Emma wasn't sure if she could face the reality that she she literally had a stalker following her out to possibly kill her. To her their was know question on who sent her the letter it had to be Jason...who else could it be after all. Blake didn't want to pressure her into talking but she sounded terrified on the phone when she called him. He honestly couldn't take the waiting around anymore "Can't we just sit here alittle longer" she lays her head on his side before looking up at him. He pulls away alittle making her sigh "Emma, by the way you sounded on the phone this doesn't seem like something that can wait" she nods she knew he was right if she just let this go who knows what could happen. She picks up her bag beside her siding it onto her lap before opening the zipper with shaky fingers before pulling out the news clipping "I found this with the other mail when I came back from hanging out with the girls this afternoon. It was in a white envelope with my name on it " she passes him the paper he slowly takes it from her hands. He's scan over the clipping as she sits quietly beside him fidgeting with her fingers. His face went from confusion to anger very fast he stands looking down at her "What the hell! Is this some kinda threat or something?" she shrugs as he passes her back the gray paper. She put it back into her bag as he paced in front of her "Well it has to be that Johnson guy right? We have to go to the police about this" she shakes her head not feeling like correcting him this time on Jason's name. And there was no way was she about to take this to the police. He lets out a heavy sigh before sitting back beside her he pulls the pack of cigarettes out his pocket. She watches as he put one between his lips lightning it up taking a long pull from his. He was probably stressed out of this situation and needed something to relax his nerves. To be fair she hasn't seen him smoke in awhile she guessed this situation pushed him to drugs "Then what are we going to do because I'm not just going to wait around till something happens to you. Your to important to me to just sit around and wait" he said meeting her eyes making her smile softly. She agreed she couldn't just do nothing about this but if she went to the police word would probably get back to her parents which was something she wanted to avoid. Looking down she thinks it over "We could confront Jason about this yah know, get him to back off" he takes the cigarette out his mouth blowing out the smoke "Tomorrow?" he asks while nodding as if it's set in stone. She sits her bag back beside her before turning to him "Tomorrow...maybe he'll cut it out after we confront him about it" she says although she wasn't very hopeful about it even with Blake besideher she should no clue what who Jason would react he was unpredictable. After all Jason was kinda crazy so he may not stop just because they go to his house but there was always a possibility "Hopefully..." he whispers before leaning forward opening the magazine to the table. When he opened it she noticed the black cigarette circles covering the inside pages where he put out his cigarettes. He takes out the cigarette out his mouth stomping it out on the paper "I should get Alex ready for bed well you be ok down here on your own?" she nods giving him a smile as he closes the magazine. Standing up he watches as she yawns into her hand "Or you can go ahead upstairs into my room you can change into one of my shirts" she whispers a thank you as he heads upstairs to Alex room. She follows after while she walks into Blake room she hears Blake telling Alex to get ready for bed a Alex whining about not being tired. Walking into Blake's room she closes the door behind her lock it so she could changed without worrying about being walked in on. She opens is closet hit in the face with the smell of his cologne she pushed the around the clothes looking for the perfect shirt for bed. She see's something green on the ground looking down more closely it seemed to be a few christmas presents he wrapped. Leaning down I read Kandy another read Chris but there where two with her name on them. Probably one for her birthday and the other for christmas both here pretty small which was good because she didn't want him to go crazy with spending money on her. She wanted to reach out and touch them to shake them around and guess what was inside but she didn't want to ruin the surprise. Holding herself back she stand straight again looking through the clothes she pulls out a simple black v neck tee shirt. Taking out her clothes and shoes she puts them in a neat stack on his deck beside her bag before pulling on the shirt running her fingers through her hair while looking at herself in the mirror. She walked over to the locked the door  unlocking it before climbing into the bed underneath the blanket. A few minutes later he walks into the room light still on "Em you up?" she grumbles eyes still closed as he leaves the door turning off the lights. He leaves the door slightly cracked light from the hallway streaming into the room before climbing into bed beside her. A few minutes of silence passed before she whispered "Can you hold me Blake..." he wraps his arms around her waist pressing himself against her back. He lays his head into her hair "I'm scared Blake" her voice slightly shakes eyes opening he moves his head to lay against her neck whispering "I know...I'm here I'll keep you safe" he links their fingers together loosely. She closes her eyes again attempting to fall asleep once again but this time with the thought of Blake being beside her she's able to fall finally asleep.

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