Chap. 53

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It's been a week since Emma's first day of work and she's really got the hang of it she has gotten used to the constant loud music and the smell of alcohol. She even liked the girls she worked with Claire was super bubbly and friendly and Whitney was quite but also nice she's seen Thomas around but he hasn't tried talking to her which she couldn't be more happy for. She shift just ended and she was walking back to the abandoned building her mother picks her up her clothes and hair was all perfectly back in place as usual her face was now clear of the makeup she started to wear while working. A few minutes after waiting outside a familiar car pulls up rolling down the passenger window "Expecting someone" Jason says she walks alittle closer looking at him with suspension. She couldn't help but slightly glare at him "What are you doing here?" she said completely avoiding his question. He hums while tapping his chin softly "Well I was in the middle of reading a great book when I retrieved a call from your mother. Asking if I could take you home after theater today she and your father are working late. Wired I didn't know our theater classes moved here, And I almost told her that to..." Emma eye slightly twitches in annoyance why do her parents want her to be with this nutcase so badly. A sudden feeling of anxiety fills her body "But you didn't right?" she prayed to God he didn't tell anything to her parents he laugh softly finding all this funny "Lucky for you I didn't bring it up....this time" he was fucking toying with her and she hated it. Now he knew she was hiding something from her parents hopefully he didn't know the full story tho "For now I'll keep your lying and sneaking around to myself until I need it. Now get in the car so I can take you home" he meets her eyes and she could just tell he had bad intentions. She didn't even want to get into the car she had her phone in her bra she could call Kandy to come get her or maybe Blake but she didn't want Jason to know she had a phone who knows what he'll do. She reluctantly opens the door climbing into the front seat he looked as happy as a kid in a candy store. He began driving down the road at a slow and steady pace "I haven't seen you in a long time love how's your summer going so far?" was this guy really trying to make conversion after all the craziness he put her through. She had a feeling he would freak out if she didn't answer and she really didn't wanna go through all that again "It's....been well" she keeps her answer short he hums softly rubbing over is lips before he pulls outside her house. She opens the car door speed up walking to her house door pull pulling her key out her skirt pocket "Your parents told me to keep you company" she heard Jason's voice right behind her against her ear. The action makes her jump dropping her keys on the ground she presses her eyes tightly together "Umm you should really pick that up honey" she really didn't want to she doesn't say anything and continues to stand still in silence. He grabs the back of her arm digging his nails in slightly "Pick.It.Up" swallowing hard she slowly bends over her skirt rides up her thighs he rubs his covered corch against her ass making her want to throw up she quickly pick up the keys opening the door. She runs inside putting as much distance between them as possible "Yah know I heard you went with the news station on a 2 week trip to Cloverten..." his voice trails as he closed the door. She stands in the middle of the living room watching his slowly movement "Funny thing is there isn't any historical news stations in Cloverten...oh and what was the news anchor you went with oh yes Clementine Roger's I looked it up her nicknames Kandy right? At least that's what it says on her Instagram page. Under Clementine Roger's account there's a link to another account Kandy's and what do you know Kandy posted a few pictures while Clementine Roger's was on holiday leave. I'm guessing she went to some wooded area she even tagged the place so I decided to take alittle drive to the area. And took alittle stroll through the woods at night and what do I see...." the more he spoke the more angry he seemed to get every step he took forward she would take two back. The angry was coming off him in waves he was able to some how track her down through her whole trip "My girl friend making out with some loser in the middle of the night.The same loser she ran away with during our play, the same loser that got caught by the police and got you both locked up." she places her hand over her mouth in shock "H..How do" she whispered brain having a hard time understanding how he knows all this information he continues to talk over her "And you know what Emma I wanted to kill him...I wanted to kill both of you!" she swallows hard as her back slams against the wall. He rubs his fingers lightly over her cheek "But I don't want my girlfriend to have visible bruises" she pushed his hand off in disgust "I'm not your girlfriend" she said in a strong voice glaring in his cold eyes he lets out a evil laugh. He suddenly punches her hard in the stomach making her double over in pain before his grabbing the front of her shirt throwing her to the hard wood floor. She lets out a scream from the impact "How dare you go behind my back like love me? love me! I know you do, this is all a test it's to see how far I'll go for you right!? Just a fuckin game to you?! your just like her!!" she could barely hear what he was saying her ears where ringing loudly in her ears as she tears roll down her cheeks. She crawls backwards as he stalker closer looming over her getting on a knee beside her. The front door suddenly open "I told you not to try that dance move don't you see what happened" her father walks into her view asking Jason what happened. She was still in shock from the hit she couldn't even speak just sit and watch Jason lie "We where practicing a dance for theater she tried to do a advanced move and hurt herself. I offered to help take her to her room but she was adamant on doing it herself and well she fell sir" he says putting a comforting hand on her arm before standing back up. While he told his lie Emma looked at her father with begging eyes hoping he would get the hint that Jason was bad news that he was lying. But apparently he didn't get the hint "She's always pushing herself I wish she wouldn't be so hardheaded thank you son I got it from here go a head home thank you for your help" her father picks up her weak body walking upstairs towards her room. She hides her tear stained cheeks against her father shoulder glaring over at Jason "It's no problem at all sir I hope she feels better soon" he stands beside the door smiling devilishly "I'll get going but Emma I just want you to know I'm always looking out for your be interest" Jason says sickeningly sweet looking at her a chill runs down her body. One thing for sure Jason knew about her and Blake and he was angry and Jason gets alittle crazy when he's angry.

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