Chap. 67

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"I had so much fun girls and Whitney thanks for driving" Emma said as Whitney pulled up outside her house all the lights where still out which meant her parents where still at work. She had such a good time spending the day with the girls. It was the perfect day despite what happened with Raina in fact after Claire decided it would be a great idea to go bowling. Emma didn't win but she definitely had fun learning how to play because she never been before. Claire was pretty good but Whitney was almost as bad as she was they where able to laugh about it together. Niki ending up being the best bowler and winning some how even in her heels and a short dress. The workers even gave her a tiny plastic trophy for bowling a perfect game. Emma made sure to take a lot of pictures and send them to Kandy she let Emma know she was so jealous she couldn't have joined. But Emma reassured her that they could all definitely do this again when she came back. Whitney turns in her seat sending her a smiling "It's cool girl but you have to promise when colleges starts. You'll come to me and Claire's dorm and help us decorate" Emma found out while at the mall Claire and Whitney are going to start college together next year. Lucky for them they both got accepted to the same college near by, University of Miller Creek so they decided to be roommates. Whitney was going for english studies and Claire was going for computer technology. They would be close enough to still be working at The Underground and of course they gave her a free invite to come by whenever. Niki said she was never the college type she didn't like the books, tests and studying so she never went she's been working at The Underground since she graduated from highschool. With them Emma felt like she would now have a different view point on weather she wanted to go to college or not when she graduated. Of course she would love to go to a college close by and go for american history or something like that. But her family was sure she was going to go to some fancy college far away "It's a deal I have all your numbers in my phone so just text me" she said looking at Whitney as Claire turns in her seat looks back at her smiling nodding her head. Emma smiles while opening the car door "See cya later Emma" Niki said while Emma waved at all of them before climbing out the car with her bags and her pocket book. Whitney beeps the horn backing out of the parking spot as Emma making her was up to her door. She looks back at the car seeing Claire waving at her from the front seat as the car drives down the road. She opens her home door pushing it open the house was empty and quiet just like she guessed her parents weren't home she see's some mail on the ground. It must have came earlier through the mail slot when she wasn't home she walks into the living room sitting down on the couch flipping through the mail. There was a early Christmas card from her grandparents with a gift card attached with her name on it which makes a smile make it's way on her face. Her grandparents lived pretty far away but at least they never forgot her birthday they always sent her a $20 gift card to get whatever she wanted with. Along with that there was a few random sales papers, junk mail and a white envelope. She sits the other mail on the table and look at the envelope more closely she turns it over in her hands. It had nothing on the outside no address or stamp just her name written in cursive on the front in the middle in red pen. Her eyebrows scrunch together suddenly a chill runs down her body making her feel like someone was watching her. Swallowing hard she was debating on opening the letter of not suddenly making up her mind she opens it. Inside was a old gray news paper clipping she stands from the couch with looking at it more closely. Towards the bottom in black shapie it reads "She was the first" Emma whispers aloud her eyes move up to the articles headline.


She shaky hand cover her month as she continues to read the story.

At 9pm body of 14 year old Tammy Little was found in a wooded area near the kit river. Two days after her disappearinse police found her body at the base of the river with blunt force trauma to the head. However after the autopsy was completed the cause of death was drowning her family and friends assured us that Tammy was a good swim. And are currently grieving the loss of their daughter and friend at the moment the case is listed as murder. For the time being they have no leads or eyewitnesses on who the culprit may have been. If anyone has any info please call....

"Oh my god" she whispered dropping the letter to the ground suddenly not feeling safe. She runs over to the front door making sure it's locked tightly looking through the front window blinds. Not seeing a soul outside but feeling eyes on her she quickly closed the blinds before walking back to the couch looking over at the letter still on the ground. She wraps her arms around herself it felt like the darkness around her was swallowed her whole. She wasn't just scared more like terrified she didn't want to be alone she picks up her pocketbook rummaging through it before pulling out her phone. Finding the contract she was looking for she clicks the screen before putting it to her ear. It only rings once before the person on the other end answers "Hello" they answer.

It Started With Hello Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang