Chap. 26

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"What cha in for kid?" Emma looks to the left of the holding cell she was placed in to a tall dark skinned busty woman scandardly dressed in a crop top reading juicy and a mini skirt with heels. Emma didn't answer just kept her head forward the woman looked like a professional prostitute and Emma wasn't interested in having a conversation with her. She was still trying to wrap her brain around how she ended up in a holding cell bare foot and alone. She guessed Blake was put in a different holding cell probably one for men while she was put here. Before she was put into the holding cell the officer gave her one phone call and luckily she remembered her parents number. She ended up calling her father to bail her out he did not sound happy about reserving the call she begged him to not tell her mother about this but he just hung up after saying he would be here in a few minutes. Maybe she should have just stayed at the play instead of going with Blake but it was to late to second guess now her fate was sealed "Because you really look out of place how old are you 15?" the woman continued questioning her. Did she really not get the hint that Emma didn't wanna talk to her or maybe she just didn't care. Emma looks outside the bars watching as police officers pass by "I was in a street race and got caught" she left out the part about Blake, The Underground and her age because all that was none of this random woman's business. The woman gave her a slightly impressed look as Emma saw her father enter the police station alone. She stands walking to the bars letting out a sigh of relief that he didn't bring her mother. Gripping the bars her wrists still fully cuffed she watches him walk up to the front deck having a discussion with the chief before handing him a stack of money. Her insides twist as she watches the chief gesture to her cell before standing up from the desk grabbing a pair of keys underneath and leading her father over. The look of disappointment was clear on his face and she could practically feel the anger coming off him in waves. That alone makes her take a small step back "Wow he's hot that your daddy?" the woman says crossing her arms underneath her full chest to push them up with a grin on her red lips. Emma glares over at her before hearing the cell opens in front of her "Your free to go this time girl but if I may offer a suggestion stay out of trouble and and stay away from that boy or you'll probably end up right back here" she just presses her lips looking towards the ground before stepping out the cell. It closes and locks again behind her before the chief unlocks and takes off her cuffs "If I may ask what was the name of this boy she was with?" her father asks as the chief leads them to the front door. That's was private information surely he couldn't get out this type of information "His name's Blake Black sir long dark hair green eyes about 6'3 18 years old" the chief answered easily to her annoyance "Why don't you just give his shoe size to while your at it?" she whispers looking to the side luckily neither her father nor the chief noticed her statement. As they took a moment to talk about why she was arrested she was looking to the side they pass by another line of cells looking inside she saw Blake leaning against the cell bars tapping his shinny rings against them wrists still locked in tight cuffs looking bored. Apparently he felt her gaze on him because he looks up into her chocolate brown eyes a slowly grin spreads on his lips. Seeing him made her instinctually smile thank god he seemed ok. She glanced towards her father then back at him while shaking her head as if to say look at the shit we got ourselves into to this time. He gives her a goofy smile while shrugging suddenly Chris runs through the front doors with Kandy trailing behind him still holding Emma's heels "Where our boy! Where's our little baby boy at!" Chris yells slightly out of breath some of the passing cops glance over at him confused Blake rolls his eyes. One cop walks up to them leading them towards the front deck they both notice Emma standing there with her father Kandy gives her a sad smile. Her father glares at them disgusted before turning his attention back to the chief as Kandy walks past them she casually sits the heels beside her feet which Emma easily steps into them without her father noticing. Suddenly the chief sits his hand on her shoulder suddenly making her cringe as she looks at it Blake hands tighten around the bars watching from a distance "I hope to not see you in here again little girl" he squeezes slightly on her shoulder making her uncomfortable one last time before removing his hand. He tilts his hat to her father "You to have a good night" before turning making his way back to his deck her father grabs her hand pulling her closer to the front door. She stops walking taking a moment to look back as the cop opens Blake's cell taking off his cuffs rubbing his wrists Chris pulls him into a hug as if he's been in jail for 20 years. As they hug his eyes meet Emma's and she could feel herself falling into that green ocean all over again before her father yanks on her wrist making her wince with pain "Come along Emma" frowning she pulls her eyes away facing forward walking out the door. The cold night air immediately hits her body as they make their way across the parking lot to his car they both open the doors sliding inside. Most of the ride home was in silence until finally she decides to speak "Does mother know?" she voice slightly shaking as her looks out her window "No" he said simply easing some of the tension in her body. The car falls back into silence because he decides to speak up "Seriously Emma... street racing you could have gotten hurt" he begins to lecture taking minute to pull over onto the side of the road. That was enough to let Emma know this would be a long talk "Your extremely lucky I was able to pay off the chief so this won't be going on your records. Colleges pay close attention to those things Emma I can't believe you let this happen" he glares at her a moment before looking away as if unable to look at her. She lets out a shaky breath she didn't think about this going into her records to be honest. She wanted to ask how much her father had to pay for the chief to keep this off the records but she was to afraid to ask. She couldn't say she was surprised that the fat old white man could be paid off this system of government was honestly so corrupt "You've been fine these past few months now suddenly you do something like this. I won't tell your mother about this because she's at work and I don't feel like upsetting her but when we get home I want your phone indefinitely you will not be getting it back. And you will stay away from that boy your mother told me you where tutoring a little boy named Alex Black I assume they're related I want you to stop tutoring him I'll call the school tomorrow and let them know. Do you understand me Emma" he says intensely pointing a finger at her. She looks in her lap a moment before turning in her seat to face him "But Alex needs me father his grades have improved so much since I've been tutoring him..." he holds up a hand cutting her off "There are other tutors Emma I'm sure the boy will be fine summer is coming up soon that means his finals will be coming. I'm sure you taught him enough to help him pass his grade by now" Emma frowns before turning back forward again. She hoped with everything that she taught him she has done enough to help Alex pass his grade she didn't want him to fail just because her and Blake. She nods bitting her lip "Do you understand now Emma" he says before starting the car starting to merge back onto the road. Did she understand what exactly, did she understand that she couldn't live her own life did she understand that she couldn't be around Blake? Or did she understand her parents where being controlling assholes again like usual? yes she understood it all perfectly she was 17 and couldn't do anything she wanted "Yes father I understand" she whispers watching out the window.

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