Chap. 37

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"He what!!" Kandy yells looking over Emma making her smile shyly they sat side by side getting their toenails done gossiping about what's been going on in each other lifes "Right here on the lips" Emma pats her lips she was telling Kandy about Blake kissing her. Honestly it was great having someone to talk to this stuff about cuz she was honestly still freaking out over it. Kandy let's out a dramatic "Wow! and he didn't say anything to me about it!" she leans back shaking her head sounding hurt "Honestly it was better then my first kiss and then after he did it he said it was because I had sauce on my lips" they both share a laugh. Kandy rolls her eyes with a grin "I bet there wasn't even sauce on your lips" she says while waving her hand. Emma smiles playing with the end of her ponytail "How was it honestly?" Kandy asks Emma bites her lip while touching them still feeling his lips on hers "I don't wanna sounds dramatic or anything but...." she blushed looking down "It was magical" Kandy has a dumb smile on her face as she yells "Aww!! That's so cute you like him! you really really like him!" she pushes Kandy shoulder while she dances in her chair. While Kandy danced in her chair she asked "Have you two even made it official?" Emma shakes her head she wasn't even sure Blake was the dating type "No it would never work my parents hate him" she lets out a snort her parents would never approve of them together. She looks at Kandy "They even made me go on a date with this weirdo Jason Prim guys totally obsessed with me" she said while shaking her head she tried to forget the horrible date but it was impossible. Kandy tilts her head picking at her lip "Jason in the toaster strudel prince?" the women doing their nails laugh softly hearing the name while Emma nods. Kandy thinks over the name a moment before snapping her fingers looking at her "I know that kid I used to go to private school with him before graduating I was a few grades higher then him at the time" Emma eyes widen completely surprised by this information. It was crazy to hear that Jason knew Kandy when she was just Clementine "I mean I wasn't his friend or anything he always kept to himself but there was a rumor going around after a girl name...oh my god what was her name" Kandy pressed her eyes tight trying to remember "I think her name was Tammy Little she was kidnapped and murdered body left in the woods everyone thought it was him but their was no proof other than him being weird around her before she went missing" Emma's heart drops in her chest how could someone be so evil to kill anyone. Kandy shakes her head face covered with angry "Because of his family's money they where able to cover up the whole thing like Tammy's death meant nothing after that his family moved...I guess he moved here" Emma had no words this was crazy she may have been hanging around a murder this whole time without even knowing. Like Kandy said their was no real proof though who's to say what really happened "Just be careful around him alright?" Emma nods but in the pit of Emma's stomach she knew he killed that poor girl. This story was quickly making her feel unsettled so she chose to change the subject to something lighter "I over heard you say your parents where like mine if that's the case how did you end up with Chris?" sure Chris was a great guy but most controlling parents like theirs wouldn't enjoy their little girls with guys covered in tattoos. Kandy smiles wrinkling up her nose slightly "I packed my bags and ran away with him right after highschool haven't looked back since and I have to say...I'm pretty damn happy sometimes you gotta jump in the pool if you wanna learn to swim" Emma nods and the women finally finished painting her toenails. Emma choice a pink color while Kandy picked green Kandy looks down at her phone checking the time "Well this took a bit of time you thinking we should be heading back now?" Emma nods and they make their way back to the car. Kandy takes a moment while inside to put her hair back in place along with her glasses before she starts the car "Ready for step two?" Emma nods grinning as they head down the road.


They slowly pulled up outside Emma's Kandy turns in her seat facing Emma "So I'm gonna kiss your parents ass alittle bit to get you on this camping trip...please try to not cringe or throw up" Emma laughs softly while opening her door "No promises" they make their way up towards her house. Kandy gives a soft knock while sending Emma a wink. Her father was the one to open the door "Welcome back dear your mother told me about your girls day how did it go?" he asks while gesturing them both inside. As they walk through the threshold Emma takes note of her mother sitting on the living room couch crocheting looking up at them as she heard the door "It was enjoyable father it was nice to see Kend...I mean Clementine again it's been awhile" she bites her lip hoping her parents didn't hear her slip up with Kandy's name. To her relief her father didn't seem to notice while he takes his seat beside her mother "That's wonderful to hear you should come around more often Clementine dear" her mother smiles while nodding. Kandy and Emma sit on the opposite couch Kandy sits her hands on her lap smiling "While me and Emma where out I told her about this great summer program we do at the news station for about 2 week me along with a few coworkers take high schools on a trip to
Cloverten. To visit one of the oldest news stations in America it's a jam packed 2 week with learning and upliftment" Kandy lied through her teeth very easily with a smile on her lips. Though she was a good lier her mothers smile soon falls "Oh I don't know about that...Gerald what do you think?" she looks over at her husband still not impressed with the thought of her daughter going so far away. Her father seemed to be thinking it over while Kandy continues to speak "It's also a great opportunity for her to learn to be on her own without the pair you. I know you love her but she is graduating soon" she sits her hand on Emma's shoulder a moment. The room falls silent a few minutes and for a moment Emma was sure they wouldn't fall for Blake's plan "Alright she can go but we would like you Clementine to keep us updated on her she isn't to be trusted with a phone at the moment. A while back her father took it away permanently just in case this young delinquent boy has her number" her mother says in distaste while shaking her head along with her father. It made Emma want scream what was it about them that made them so stuck up to think Blake was any less then them. She presses her lips tightly wanting more then anything to say something "I would love to keep you updated thank you very much ma'am you can drop her off at the news station next friday at 1" she stands shaking both their hands "Bye Emma see you next Friday I hope your ready for a great 2 weeks~" she makes her way to the door happily making Emma want to smile. She couldn't believe her parents actually agreed with letting her go on this trip. After Blake kissed her a yesterday it would definitely be interesting seeing him again. She had so many questions like was he really looking for a relationship? Or was he just fucking with her!? but of course she would play it cool. While her parents continues to talk about the trip she leans against her palm thinking this was either about to be the best 2 weeks ever or the most stressful.

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