Chap. 62

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"All I want for Christmas iiisss yooooou!!!" Alex sung loudly while spinning around in a circle making Emma smile. She was happy that putting up this christmas tree seemed to be lifting his mood. It wasn't hard pulling up the tree together Alex even told she he was happy she was there to help them. She never put up a tree with her family before they never really celebrated the holidays. It was definitely a fun experience to do with Alex and Blake no pressure to put ornaments in a particular spot or to use certain colors. The ornaments they chose to place on the tree was a mix of red,green and silver the classic christmas colors and the lights were warm and dimly lite. The tree was almost fully decorated now the ornaments where all on the tree along with the lights the only part that was missing was the star on top. Blake takes a step back nodding in approval of the tree before picking up the star for one of the boxes "You wanna put this star up or what?" Alex grins as Blake passes him the star. The tree was much taller then him but he begins trying to jump to put it on top. She laughs behind her hand before gesturing Blake to help him out if he didn't they would be here all day. As Alex jumps Blake puts his hands on his waste lefting him up to place the star neatly on top. As Blake sits him back on the ground he steps back grinning "It looks so good guy's" he looks between them before running up to she hugging her tightly around the waste surprising her she looks down at him. The force of him hugging her makes her step back slightly "Thank you Miss Pear" he whispered into her shirt she smiles slightly before looking up to meet Blake eyes. He smiles looking at them before walking into the kitchen she wraps her arms around Alex "Your welcome Alex" he pulls away grinning Blake comes back with a bottle of water sitting on the couch taking a sip. Alex walks over to the boxes of decorations sitting on the ground putting the extra decor back into there boxes "I hope Blake marries you and you stay around forever. I usuallydont like girls but your alright" he says casually as if it was the most simple thing to say. Blake chocked on his water bending over slightly coughing while Emma stares wide eyed at Alex. Alex turns his head looking confused at them he was confused at why they where suddenly asking so weird "What?...what is it? What did I say? You guys are dating right?" Blake shakes his head as his brothers sudden question unable to even talk. Well this conversation has definitely took a quick turn " we're not together Alex" Emma says for Blake while he wipes his mouth. Alex scratched the top of his head "But your always around and your so nice to me, mom and dad isn't that what couples do..." Blake rubs his hands over his face not wanting to have this conversation with his 9 year old bother. Emma shifts from side to side awkwardly "I mean yes but it's more complicated then that" Blake starts to say before Alex cuts him off "What's so complicated about it?" the room falls silent a moment while Emma looks between them. Alex looks over at her innocently it's not like she could just tell him hey my parents literally hate your bother and the times I am over here I'm not even supposed to be over right now. Now she couldn't tell him all that "Um I should really get going home now my parents are probably having a fit right now" she looks side eyed at Blake as he stands up blowing out a breath. He looks down at Alex as Blake continues to watch him "Will you be ok here on your own a few minutes?" Alex nods putting a ornament back into the box "Yah I'll be alright I'll see later Miss Pear I didn't mean to make  it weird I just thought you guys were together" he pouts cutely looking up at her. She ruffles his hair lightly "It's alright Alex all it was, was a question you didn't know. I'll see you later ok" she smiles and he returns it while Blake opens up the door for her. She wave at Alex before walking outside as soon as they get inside Blake's he leans his head against the wheel "I can't believe he said that" she laughs softly rubbing his arm "He's just a kid he doesn't understand" she says which was true Alex was only 9 she would probably think the same thing if she was him. She didn't mind not having labels or anything with Blake sure it would be nice to have but she knew how he felt and she would hope by now he would know she really liked him. Blake wasn't the player tip so she really didn't have anything to worry about "Yah a nosey sure your ready to go back home?" she nods she had to go back home at some point. He starts the car and he heads towards her house "Yah I have to go back at some point plus I have work tonight and need a change of clothes" he pulls up outside her house the lights where on. She guessed her parents were home just the thought alone made her anxiety go to 100. Her hands slightly shake on her lap he reaches over and grips them softly. She looks up into his eyes "You still have the phone I gave you. If you need me call me and I'll come running" she smiles nodding her head before opening the car door "Wish me luck" she whispered "Good luck" she steps out the car walking up the stairs to the front door. She looks back at him still watching her from the car before knocking softly honestly hoping no one was home so she could turn and run back into Blake arms. But this was reality and she had to face this head on as the door swings open she honestly didn't know if she was ready to face reality or not.

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