Chap. 55

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Emma has been walking for a few minutes now she stops when she reaches a familiar building reading the old worn out sign that read "Philo's Auto Shop" the garage part of the building was closed so she couldn't see if Blake was inside. She would have texted or called him but she left her phone at home hidden as usual underneath her bed. Walking through the front door alittle bell goes off and an older man walks out from a room behind the front desk. He looked to be in his 50's slightly tanned skin with  black slightly grayed hair styled back on his head "Hello dear how can I help you" he say in a strong Italian accent a friendly smile on his lips. Emma gives him a shy smile walking in front of the desk "Um is Blake here today sir?" the man rubs his chin with a grin "Ah are you the Emma girl he's been telling me about?" she nods pushing her hair behind her ear. It warmed her heart to hear Blake was talking so openly about her she wished she could do the same "Nice to finally meet you dear that boy talks about you nonstop I'm Philo known the boy since he was 13. Caught him spray painting my building told him I wouldn't tell his parents if he helped around the shop after school and well the rest is history" he shakes her hand gesturing her behind the counter "Follow me I'll take yah to him" he leads her into the room behind the counter. The room through the door was what she guessed was his office then they walked through another door which opened up into the big garage. A few guys were in there working on different cars, and some of them looked up at them as she walked past. Philo stops walking in front of a blue jeep someone was laying underneath it dark blue jeans sticking out "I got a surprise for you boy" Philo taps the hood of the jeep. A snicker is heard from under the car "Is it a raise?" some of the guys working laugh at his reply "Nah even better" Philo pulls the board Blake was laying on with his foot making him roll from under the jeep. He smiles surprised seeing Emma standing there "Told yah it was better then a raise" Blake stands up picking up a dirty rag off the hood of the car rubbing his hands. He was wearing a dirty white shirt sweaty hair sticking to his forehead "Hey Emma" he speaks up first while she was to busy checking him out to talk "Hi Blake" Philo looks between them with a grin. Philo looks around noticing the other workers paying more attention to them then working on their cars "And on that note I think it time for break everyone get out for 20 minutes" the guys quickly stand walking out the door clearly excited for their breaks. Blake watches Emma closely he could tell something was off "I'll let you two stay and talk but no funny business Blake" Blake gives him a nod in agreement before Philo walks out closing the door behind him. Blake opens the back door of the jeep signaling her to get in with his head she climbs into the backseat followed by him. He closes the door facing her "What's wrong?" he simply asks  she lets out a snort playing with her fingers "How do you know anything is wrong?" the corner of his lips tilt up slightly "Your pretty easy to read" know one ever seemed to read her as well as him. She licks her lips before beginning "I'm just going through a lot right now where do I even start. I quote unquote broke up with Jason in the middle of dinner with my parents. My mother wasn't very happy about that so I kinda just walked out. Walked all the way here I guess I just wanted to see you" she said shyly looking down he grins slightly after hearing she wanted to see him. He puts his hand under her chin lifting her face up to meet his eyes "I'm happy you found the courage to breakup with that guy he was bad news" man he wasn't kidding, he didn't even realize just how crazy Jason was. Maybe the real reason she came here was she needed a detraction and Blake always saves her in the crazy moments in her life "I think I just need a detraction from everything yah know" he laughs slightly letting go of her face "Emma are you trying to get in my pants?" he tilts his head to the side, laughing when her face starts to turn bright red.She waves her hands around "No No No! I wasn't saying that!" he grin bringing his hands to her waist lefting her on to his lap "That's to bad...cuz I don't mind being your detraction for a few minutes" running his fingers through her hair her eyes widen mind racing oh my god he literally just said that was her first thought.

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