Chap. 31

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The worst date in human history at least to Emma finally has came to an end and she couldn't be more happy. She's sure, if you where to ask Jason if he liked the date his crazy ass would probably give it a 10 out of 10. When they left the park and headed home he made sure to tell her he enjoyed the night and couldn't wait till the next time which she couldn't help but side eye him for. If he thought she would willingly go out with him again he was even crazier then she thought. He did voice his annoyance about her talking to the guy that quote unquote got a lucky punch on him at the play. But after she unwillingly assured him that she didn't plan on running into him anymore he seemed overly happy. She kept her hand clasped in her lap as the car came to a stop in front of her house she lets out a sigh filled with relief as she looked out the window. She turned facing the window and tried to open the door but it was still locked "I had a really great time tonight Emma" he turns in his seat to face her running his finger tips over her shoulder. She quickly turned to face him she didn't want him touching her he already stole her first kiss she refused to give him anything else willingly the smile falls from his lips. His hand moves onto her thigh as he looked past her through her window seeing her mother peeking through the living room curtains apparently watching them. He lets the fake smile make it's way back onto his face as he dug his nails into her dress "You better keep your mouth shut about tonight Emma remember I can always get to you if I need to" he threatens making sure to keep the smile on his face. Her body slightly shakes his eyes where cold and his nails where sharp but you would never be able to tell from the smile on his face. She kept her mouth closed not giving him the satisfaction of her reply "I hope you know if your mother wasn't stalking us right now I would kiss you but I want to look like the perfect gentlemen for them" for once she was happy about her mothers overbearing protective nature. She shrug pushing his hand off her "That's to bad" tone full of sarcasm his eye slightly twitched before he unlocked her door. She opens to open it before  she can leave he grabs her wrist holding on tightly "Remember what I said...not a word" he finally release her and she practically falls out the car trying to put as much distance as possible in between them. As she speed walks to the house she could feel his eye on her she didn't dare look back at him until she got to her door he sent her a slowly wave before driving away. Opening the door she sees her mother sitting on the couch pretending to read a book. She looks up from it as she hears the door open "Hello Emma how did it go?" she asked with a grin as if Emma didn't know she was watching them from the window. Emma holds her tongue on what she really wanted to say "It was fine" her mother grins while Emma walks past up the stairs "I approve of him for you Emma his alot better for you then that guy from the dance you remember that Black boy that lint you his jacket the other day?" she asks looking back at her book so sure that her plan to make her forget about Blake worked. Emma's fingers tighten around the stairs railing as she stops walking "I didn't even remember him yes...I completely agree" she says in a leveled voice before walking the rest of the way upstairs into her room slowly closing and locking it behind her. She changes into a big BTS t shirt for bed taking Blake's phone out her bra looking over at Tex still on her vanity before climbing onto the bed running her fingers through her hair. She leans over the edge of her bed running her fingers underneath feeling for the cool worn leather. She sits back up holding Blake jacket close to her chest she kinda ended up stealing it from him and keeping it under her bed for safe keeping. She slides her arms into the jacket grinning it still smelled like him it gave her alittle comfort the phone vibrates in her hand making her glance down at it. She slides open the message from a unknown number.

??-You still alive?

For a moment she raised her eyebrow it could be a unknown number but it could also be Blake. She decides to reply.

Emma-Yah I made back


Emma-Thanks for lending me your phone I'll give it back tomorrow

Blake-Keep it

She raised a eyebrow bitting her lip while laying on her side. She didn't want to just keep his phone surely he needed it.

Blake-I got a new phone I was thinking about getting a new one anyway you keep that one I'll keep paying the bill

Was he for real? This was so generous she likes to think he doesn't just do this stuff for everyone.

Blake-But listen can you meet at lunch behind the gym bleachers we need to talk

Her eyes widen slightly here he was once again pulling her into trouble she decides to play with him alittle.

Emma-What you miss me already or something?

She knows she's thrown him through a loop because he spends a few minutes typing and retyping

Blake-I just wanna see you it's been awhile plus I know you low-key miss me

She grins covering her hand with her mouth "Oh my god he did not just say that" she whispers before replying.

Emma- Ok you got it lol I'll meet you at lunch

Blake- Cool btw Chris and Kandy numbers are is in my contacts if you wanna shoot them a text

Emma-KK cya tomorrow


She couldn't hide the smile on her face as she slides off his jacket putting it back underneath her bed. She slides the phone under one of her pillows while cuddling the other before falling to sleep excited for tomorrow.

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