Chap. 98

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Blake pulls is car into his usually spot in the busy school parking lot. Emma watches the teens through the tinted window rushing around laughing and talking to friends or going ahead into the building with bookbags. The school was bustling it only heightened her anxiety. She lets out a sigh as Blake cuts off the engine turning in her seat she faces him he does the same "Yah wanna talk about it?" she knew he was talking about why she was so upset when he picked her up. She still didn't want to tell him the real reason being that her mother still was completely ignoring her existence and not willing to open up to him like her father's has. She didn't want him to start blaming himself for her mother's childish behavior "I was just upset because I realized I'm not having any classes with you this year" she whispered playing with her fingers not wanting to meet his eyes fully. He grins shaking his head making her bit her lip feeling bad for lying to him "Well it's ok we'll still have lunch together and I live right down the road" he reaches in the backseat to grab him bookbag. Looking back out her window the anxiety of coming back to school really sinks in once again. Sliding her bookbag back on he sits his bag on his lap watching her "Don't worry we'll be fine" he grabs one of her hands and she turns her head looking at him "You ready? We still have a few minutes until the bell if you want chill in here till it rings" she shake's her head it's not like she could avoid this she had to go inside at some point. Plus she wants to go ahead to her locker and put her stuff inside before classes "Lets just get this over with" he laughs softly before sliding a pair of dark shades on hiding his beautiful green eyes. Opening the door he throws the bag over one shoulder for a moment she admired him dark leather jacket she bought him for Christmas on over his white long sleeve button up the first three buttons undo hair slightly blowing with the breeze. She realized she was kinda matching him she was wearing the leather jacket she basically stole from him and a uniform white button up with the school mascot small on the corner hidden by the jacket. They where unintentionally couple matching at the moment which would definitely draw more attention to them. Opening the door she climbs out the car already feeling most of the student body on them. She swallows looking around as everyone turns to watch them Blake pays them no mind while walking around the car to her side. He throws a arm over her shoulder leading her to the school she easily hears the whispers around them "Oh my god" one girl squeaks to her friends "Are they together?" another group of girls said while giggling then she hears a guy whisper "Is she new I've never seen her before. She's fucking hot" a group of jocks laugh while leaning against their cars. Emma turns her head to the side and stops walking noticing Reina climbing out her car looking slightly less put together then normal. Even from afar Emma noticed the dark circles underneath her eyes but she didn't look to long before turning back forward. Heather and Raven climb out after Reina looking towards Emma and Blake "Isn't that Emma and Blake Oh my god!?" Heather said loudly looking at Reina angry face "Do you think their together or something?" Raven whispered to Reina softly who quickly turned to face her. Reina lets out a snotty laugh before crossing her arms glaring at Emma's back "Are you kidding me of course not he's probably just using her" Heather and Raven laugh behind their hands while nodding. Emma and Blake finally make it to the schools entrance he stops walking turning her towards him. He slides the sunglasses up on top of his head pushing back the long hair "How about we give them something to really talk about?" before she's can question what he means he leans down kissing her hard making her eyes widen slightly before wrapping her arms around his shoulder leaning into his warm body. She hums softly against his lip as his hands wrap around her waist squeezing slightly. For a moment she forgets all about the snotty kids around them it was only her and him "Alright alright break it up kids go get ready for homeroom" a teacher comes out the building point a finger at them. Black slowly pulls his lips away leaving her breathless holding a hand to her chest "Sorry sir we'll get going right now" he grabs her hand pulling her past the teacher inside the school. He had a cocky grin on his lips as he pulled her through the the halls "Have you no shame Lake? Half the student body just saw us making out just now" Emma whispered cheeks bright red while pulling her schedule out her pocket. Her eyes scan over the paper as he has them stop in the middle of the hall. People walk left and right around them "Why would I have shame when I have the best girl in this whole damn school on my arm" he said with a goofy grin she was unable to hide the smile making it's way on her lips. She hits him in the chest with the schedule "Shut up... your a dangerous guy with that type of charm Blake Black. I can't have you talking like that around other girl they may want to take you away" she smiles before turning walking towards her homeroom class. He calls out to her after she's a few feet away she turns facing him his hands where in his pocket while shrugging "You don't have to worry I'd never go..your it for me Pear see yah at lunch" he said grinning before sending her a wave before turning walking towards his class. His comment leaves her frozen in place heart pounding once again Blake has left her speechless.

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