Chap. 70

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"So here's the plan for today I'll drop Alex off at Matt and Nat's for a sleep over. Then I'll drop you off then I have to get to work. I get off around 6 today so I'll pick you up afterwards and we'll go to his house" Blake says the next day as they pull up outside of Matt and Nat's house their father Logan opens the front door waving towards them. Alex opens the backseat door "See you guys later" he said before climbing out with his bag on his back. Blake calls out the window says "Please don't cause trouble" Alex rolls his eyes with a small grin he walks inside and Logan closes the door after sending them a wave. Blake up away makes his way towards her house "Don't worry, when we see him I can do the talking if you want?" she shakes her head she wanted to be the one to tell him to cut out this crap. She knew one wrong move and Blake would kick his ass and she couldn't let him do that in his house his parents would probably call the police on him or something "No don't worry I just need you there for support" he nods playing with his chain necklace. She turns on the seat facing him "Did your parents say anything about the tree when they saw we put it up without them? Where they mad?" she said deciding to change the subject so something more light. He lets out a laugh shaking his head "Of course they weren't mad, they love you. They where happy you where there and helped us put it up" it was nice to hear they weren't mad about the tree being put up after all it was Alex's idea. They pull up across from her house so her wouldn't get caught she opens the door while holding her bag "Be careful climbing back into your room" she nods sending him a wave be walking across the street to her house. The window was still open just how she left it she looks back at Blake's car one last time as he drives down the road. She used the trellis on the side of the house to climb back up into her room. As she finally gets into her room she lets out a breath tried from climbing into the house throwing her bag onto her bed. There's a knock on her door "Emma you have to get to the animal shelter today did you forget?" her mother said from the other side "No mother I'll be right down" her answer seemed to please her mother because she didn't have a smart reply to Emma's comment. Emma sighs realizing she made it back home just in time for the volunteering at the animal shelter today. Walking over to her closet she picks out a outfit to change into to get ready for the day ahead.


"So this is prince charming's house I have to say it's exactly like I expected. Big house with a white picket fence to keep the trash out I would have expected nothing less" Blake said as he parks his car outside the Prim household. Emma climbs out the car followed by him she was still surprised she was about to get out the house without her parents knowing. The climbing out the window trick Blake taught her was really coming in handy when she came back from the animal shelter she ate dinner with the rest of her family. Afterwards she went upstairs locking herself in her room till Blake got off work and came for her. She softly knocks on the front door openings the door is the rare sight of Mr. Prim she's only ever met him a handful of time this was the probably the ninth time. He had slightly gray blonde hair with the same blue eyes as Jason wearing kaki shorts with a white button up "Oh hello dear marry christmas eve what are you doing here without your mother?" he questions looking around for her mother only to see Blake behind her. She couldn't believe she somehow forgot today was christmas eve. Her life was so crazy lately it totally passed her mind her parents would probably be leaving for their business trips tonight. She would usually just stay home and mope around the house but now she had Blake she didn't have to spend it alone this year. Mr. Prim's brow raised looking over Blake's dirty black shirt from work,ring covered fingers and chain covered neck "Actually sir I was wondering if I could come inside and talk to Jason?" he nods opening the door wider gesturing for her to come in "Sure Emma he'll be happy to see you he's been pretty upset since your break up" Emma pressed her lips slightly deciding to stay quiet as she walks past him inside the house. Blake follows inside looking around the house in inside was decorated and ready for christmas "Is Ms. Prim not home?" she asked in a somewhat surprised voice not really caring about the answer just trying to make conversation. Mr. Prim calls Jason saying to come down a moment before answering "She actually out drinking with a few friends" she hums softly she wouldn't say Ms. Prim was a acholic but she definitely loved her liquor. Suddenly a glass shattering is heard they all turn their heads seeing Jason standing at the top of the stairs. Shattered glass all around his designer shoes apparently he dropped a glass cup to the ground. His eyes shift from her to Blake with distaste "Jason are you alright why did you just drop that cup?" Mr. Prim asks looking at his son confused. Jason completely ignored his father "What are they doing here father?" he somehow managed to keep his expression blank. Blake crosses his arms  glaring over at Jason "We need to talk with you it's either going to happen in private or in front of daddy dearest but it will happen pick" Mr. Prim looks between them not understanding. Jason lets out a heavy sigh "Fine follow me" he turns walking back into his room leaving the door open for them. Emma looks over at Blake a moment before heading upstairs walking over the shattered glass followed but Blake Mr. Prim sighs down stairs "Don't worry I'll clean all this glass up" he whispered while rolling his eyes.

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