Chap. 41

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Needless to say sleep seemed to allude Emma it's been at least a hour and she still has yet to fall asleep. Unlike Kandy who was snoring peaceful in the sleeping bag beside her. Every little noise outside the tent made her jump with fear and every sound made her look in that direction. Nature didn't seem to want to give her a break tonight with trees casting scary shadows inside the tent. Emma let out a heavy sigh rubbing her hands down her sleep deprived face before climbing out her bag slipping on a pair of flip flops and grabbed a small pink flashlight from her bag. Looking down at her sleep wear it was just Blake's big Green day shirt and a pair of night shorts hidden by the length of the long shirt. She decided against putting on the shorts Kandy let her barrow because she probably wouldn't be outside in the dark for long. Figuring she would take alittle walk around the camp to tire herself out she silently crawled out the bag without waking Kandy zipping it behind her. She the warm breeze hitting against her legs as she switched on the light looking around their dark campsite everyone else seemed to be busy sleeping she walked over to the small lake a few feet away sitting on hard ground beside the dock. She looked out over the water a moment before looking beside her picking up a rock tossing it across. It skips the clear water leading with a plop a few feet away "Your technic is all wrong Pear" the deep voice from behind made her jump almost falling into the water. She turns head looking over up at Blake shining the bright light in his eyes making him squint holding up a hand. He wasn't wearing a shirt just black and white plaid night short making Emma blush while pushing her hair behind her ear "Huh?" It all she can manage to say while shining the light away from his eyes making him smile "I just wanted to let you know your lacking in the rock skipping department" he shrugs making her laugh and look back at the water a moment hand picking the plastic of the flashlight. Looking back up at him tilting her head to the side with a brow slightly raised "And I'm guessing you could do so much better?" he nods apparently confident in his own abilities. He walks closer slowly shoes crunching against the dry leafs before sitting beside her so close she could smell his cologne. He looks around for what seemed to be the perfect rock making her roll her eyes "Does it need to be a special type of rock or something?" he looks up at her underneath his hair while picking up a smooth flat oval shaped stone. Holding it up as if to show it to her "Well it needs to be a small flat rock to go far" her mouth forms a O shape as she nods her head. This was starting to remind her of when they went to the carnival after prom. Blake had a talent for throwing things "And preferably smooth" he grabs her right hand pulling her out of her own thoughts placing the rock in the middle. The rock was smooth and cool to the touch "Give that one a try" she looks down at the rock on her palm before flexing her fingers flinging it across the water it definitely goes farther then her previous stone about a yard away. After it plops into the water she turns to face him "I'll admit you where right it did go farther but all I'm saying is I didn't know I had a audience watching me. Maybe I would have done better if I knew you were watching...stalker" she crossed her arms while the corner of his mouth turn up.  He stands back up dusting off his shorts "I knew you would probably come out here by how scared you got with the scary stories" her eyes widen slightly. She couldn't help but feel embarrassed that he saw her get scared like this she didn't think anyone really noticed "Plus it would suck to loss you to a wild bear or something" he lets out a little laugh watching as she climbs to her feet "Sooo your saying you can protect me from a bear?" she teased pointing a finger at him trying not to stare at his abs. He nods his head as she smoothly walks past him "Definitely" they share a laugh before a silence settled over them just the soft sounds of nature wrap around them "Hey..." he starts meeting her eyes with a cute smile "Hi?" she asks back bitting her lip "You wanna go see something cool?" he starts walking backwards in the opposite direction of the camp with the smile still on his lips. He reaches out a hand in her direction she licks her lips not even breaking eye contact as she grabs his hand ready for him to lead her on yet another adventure.

(Mia note-Who doesn't love a good moonlit walk)

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