Chap. 35

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"I'm so happy we decided to have you over for dinner" Emma's mother said while sitting five cheese casserole, asparagus, meatloaf and grilled shrimp on the table. She sits beside Emma's father he passes the plates around the table Emma takes one while Jason smiles beside her "Thank you Ms. Pear it's always nice to see you spend time here I hope you view me as another member of the family?" he picks up the big spoon scooping the casserole onto his plate. Emma's hand tightens around her spoon while she looks side eyed at him "Of course we do" her mother grins while her father nods his head. Of course they would love him he always puts on his good boy act in front of them what parent would hate that. Emma reaches for the spoon "Emma you know your not supposed to eat that" her mother frowns looking at Emma before passing her the bowl with the asparagus and the grilled shrimp. She pouts while she puts some onto her plate she didn't want this she wanted casserole! "My daughter always forgets how important it is to stay in shape" Emma glares at her before looking down that her plate. She glances over at Jason he was digging into his casserole happily apparently her mother didn't care about his wight...god she hates him she would give anything to be with Blake right now. The rest of dinner passes by dreadfully slow with Emma keeping as quiet as possible no one didn't seem to mind or notice as they continue talking amongst themselves. After dinner Jason stands from the table wiping his mouth with a napkin "It's been great as always Mr. and Ms. Pear I would love to do this again one day" they stand along with him her mother taking the empty plates from around the table "Well now that's it's summer we would love to have you around more after all Emma's 18 birthday is over the summer which your of course invited to it's January 1" she says while putting her plates into the dish washer. Emma's birthday was on January 1 she never really even celebrates it why would her mother act like it's some big event to them it was always over shadowed by New Years they never really ever planned anything for her.
She follows behind them as her parents walk Jason to the door "Of course I'll be here for her birthday. I'll miss you baby but I'll see you very soon" he turns looking over at she her mother glances down seeing Emma's bored expression "I'm sure she'll miss you to dear" she nods with a smile. Her father reaches out shaking Jason's hand firmly "Have a goodnight son" Jason smiles clearly very aware that he has completely won over her parents he blows her a kiss before walking out the door. As soon as the door closed her mother glares down to her "Why where you being so incredibly rude tonight? he seems to really like you" Emma just turns making her way back upstairs to her room. She stops half way up the stairs turning looking down at her parents "Maybe it's because he's not my type... I'm not into nutcases" she runs up the rest of the way upstairs into her room slamming the door. She throws herself onto her bed sighing heavily into her pillow feeling her phone vibrate underneath her pillow she pulls it out reading the message.

Blake- I have a plan to get your parents to agree to let you go camping with us it's kinda crazy but it could work

She rolls onto her back typing a reply

Emma- Lets do it

Blake- Here the plan...

She waits a few minutes while he types up the crazy plan but it may just be crazy enough to work.

It Started With Hello On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara