Chap. 81

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The next morning is when Emma really felt the pain from the night before. She sighs as she climbs out the bed wabbling over to the bathroom for a shower hoping it would help with the pain. While she was showering she couldn't stop her mind from drifting to Blake. She wondered if maybe he was thinking about her as well because she couldn't pull her mind away from him. He made her fill so mind numbingly good yesterday it made today's pain worth it. She hoped next time it wouldn't hurt and she fully enjoy the process. She stayed in the shower till the water ran cold and climbed out walking of to her closet to pick a outfit for today. Blake said he would be picking her up today and though she didn't know when he was coming she wanted to be prepared in case he showed up. She had already changed into a light blue panties and bra set she got from the mall now it was much sexier then what she had on yesterday. Though Blake said he found her sexy in everything this set was much better then the flowery pink pair he saw her in yesterday. She just had to pick out the perfect outfit to wear she pulls out a pair of loose Levi light wash jeans and a long sleeve lavender turtle neck with the pair of converse she got for christmas. She looks at herself in the mirror looking her appearance she was very pleased she looked cute at least she thought so. She picks up her phone before walks down stairs to fix herself some breakfast. She was in group chat with all the girls talking how there christmas went.

Claire Bear- Great my parents gave me some new games older bro gave me a $50 Starbucks coupon and bae gave me pink pair of apple headphones totally retro I love them

Whit- I'm jealous all my parents gave me was lame clothes I mean the fit was cool but I was hoping for more tbh

Kandy- I'm having a great time with Chris he gave me a cute pair of platform sneakers

Niki- I went to a christmas party 🎉 it was hella fun had a few drinks met some hot guys 😉

Emma grins happy that all of her friends seemed to have a good holiday. She pulls out a bowl and some Corn Flakes making a bowl before sitting at the table eating. She couldn't wait and just had to let them know about last night.

Emma- Well not to put all your night to shame but guess what I did last night

Whit- What????

Claire Bear-????

Niki- Fill us in girl!?

Kandy- What?


Emma laughs as her phone instantly blows up with replies. She puts another spoon full cearal into her mouth.

Claire Bear- GTFO!

Niki- SLLLUT~ 😉 #proud

Kandy- No Way!?

Whit- OMG

Niki- well don't leave us in suspense how was it?

Emma- Best Christmas Ever.

Claire Bear-I bet 🤣


Niki- Dead 💀

Whit- Period. Lol

Emma continues texting and eating for a few minutes. Filling the girls in on all the juicy details she was honestly loving have girl friends to gossip with. She would miss them when school starts back and she has to deal deal with all the mean girls at school again. After she's done eating she says goodbye to them to clean up her bowl. While cleaning the bowl she hear a knock at the door "Coming" she yells while wipping her hands over her shirt she walks to the door. Opening it she see's Blake leaning against the doorframe dark sun glasses over his eye. He grins standing straight waving the keys at her "Ready to drive" her eyes wide has she walks back inside to grab her phone "Your letting me drive?" he nods with a smile she tilts her head to the side confused. She stops walking  a moment he passed by her she wasn't expecting to drive today "I thought you said we where going for a drive not I was going to be doing the driving" she picks up her phone and pocketbook with her keys and purse inside. He turns towards her a moment "Well when you put it that way I said we where going for a drive I didn't say I would be doing  the driving either" he joked with a smile before walking once again. All she can do is pop her licks at his comment because it was true she picked up her pace walking beside him. She legs hurt like crazy he noticed she was slightly wobbly on her feet "Still sore bae" she nods her head sigh she guessed it would pass in a few days. Hopefully by her birthday she would be 100% better because it would suck to feel like this on her birthday. He grins rubbing her arm "Want me to rub it better" he says with a sly smile making her laugh. Shaking her head pushing off his hand "No thanks I can rub it better myself" this makes his eyes widen slightly she totally caught him of guard. He quickly recovers wrapping his arms around her swaying side to side "Now that's a show I'd love to see" he was super flirty and playful today she honestly loved it. She rolls her eye wrapping her arms around his shoulder "Your in a good mood today what's up with that?" he laughs as he pulls away walking back out the door she follows behind locking it "Getting laid the day before usually does that to people Em" he shrugs while grinning. She slaps his chest playfully "I think taking you out today will be good after all what better way to learn then on the spot. Am I right" he sends her a wink as they walk over to the car. He takes his keys smoothly out her hand humming to himself before sliding into the front seat she raised a brow at him confused because he literally just said he would let her drive today. He laughs lefting his sun glasses at her "Em did you really think I would let you drive on the road without a license, that's illegal bae" she rolls her eyes before sliding into the passenger seat. He starts up the car before driving down the road "Nope I'm gonna take you somewhere nice and safe to practice" she hums trusting his decision like always she wondered where they would end up today.

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