Chap. 63

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"Emma thank god your home" her father says before pulling her into a tight hug. The hug throws her off she was expecting to get yelled at till morning about this but here her father was, hugging her like she would disappear. She glanced over her shoulder at Blake he sends her alittle smile before waving a hand pulling out of the parking spot. Her father finally pulls away pulling her bangs out her face. While looking up at her father he looked like he hasn't slept all night his eyes were red with dried tears on his cheeks "I thought you wouldn't come back. Me and your mother where beside our selfs with worry" he opens the door wider and they walk inside. He looks back at her a moment as if she would run out the door when his back was turned "You showed up just in time" he whispers she tilt's her head slightly not understand what he meant. Walking closer to the living room she heard the faint voice of her mother along with someone else, a male. When she finally gets into the living room her eyes slightly widen seeing her mother crying dramatically into her hands while the chief of police sits beside her rubbing her back comfortably another woman with red hair sat in th other couch also in police uniform. She father smiles as her mother finally looks up from her hands towards them "Emma..." her bottom lip quivers while standing up. She walks over towards them pulling Emma into a hug Emma freezes on the spot her mother wasn't much of a hugger so she was really shocked by this. Her arms slowly wrap around her mother rubbing her back "Well..well well it looks like the run away has returned just in time" the chief says while standing up from the couch she pulls away from her mother. She tilt's her head to the side "What are you doing here?" she wasn't pleased to see the chief not after what happened after she got caught street racing after finding out her dad had to pay him off to keep her records clean. She was hoping to never see him again but here he was consoling her parents it didn't sit well with her. Her mother puts a reassuring hand on her arm "We we're just about to put out a missing children report on you Emma" she rubs Emma's arm softly Emma looks at her wide eyed "I'm 17 mother and I wasn't gone that long" she shook her head slightly as her mother's hand drops from her arm. She glares at her slightly "Your still a child Emma you just left home and we had no clue where you went" her voice raised slightly anger taking over her face. This was her mother Emma was wondering when she would show her true colors "Where did you go Emma?" the chief walks closer hands on his hips. She whips her head towards him pressing her lips slightly "That's none of your concern" he lets out a laugh but it wasn't from finding this situation amusing. It was from arrogance and annoyance and if he thought that she couldn't see what he was doing he was dead wrong. She knows he wanted throw Blake under the bus but she refused to do it "And since I'm home I think it's fine for you to leave now" she says crossing her arms he glares at her slightly. Her mother glanced at her a moment "Emma place show Mr. Gates out I need to call my friend to let her know your back home safe" she says while walking upstairs Emma guessed to go call Ms. Prim making her roll her eyes. Emma looks at her father who rubs a hand down his face "And I need a drink of wine excuse me" he nods exhausted towards the chief before walking into the kitchen. Emma leads the chief to the door in silence before opening it "I know your a crooked cop that my father paid you off and I want you to stay the hell away from my family" she whispered making sure only he would hear her. He steps out the door turning to look at her "Don't go sticking your nose into thing's you don't understand and you may just make it to 18" a chill runs down her body hand shaking on the door nob. She holds his eye contact "Is that a threat Mr. Gates" they stare at each other in silence a moment as if daring each other to look away. He tilts his police hat towards her "You have a nice night Ms. Pear" he turns walking around the street to his police car. So he parked across the street that's why I didn't see him when Blake dropped me off Emma thought as he gave her one last look before driving away. She lets out a shaky breath "Emma" she jumped slightly surprised looking behind her at her mother "Close the door and come inside" she says Emma swallowed looking down the road one last time whispering "Ok mother" before closing and locking the door tightly behind her.

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