Chap. 44

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"Do you have any plans for Christmas" he whispers playing with her fingers as they now lay still wet side by side on the grass looking up at the stars. After getting out the lake they decided laying here for awhile while their clothes dry before heading back to camp. There bottoms still lay to the side along with her flashlight now turned off the stars where enough to light the area dimly. She smiles turning her head looking at him "We never really celebrate Christmas at my house" she said before looking back up continuing "Both my parents are going to be on business I guess I'll be spending it alone...again" she whispers kinda sad even though they never really ever spent Christmas as a family. She wished they would be like the families you see on Christmas movies that decorated they tree together and opened beautifully decorated parents full of excitement on Christmas morning but sadly that wasn't the case. She lets out a heavy sigh forcing herself to push the sadness away "I'm sure my parents would love to have you over for Christmas they may even buy you a parent or two...I mean if you wanna come" he said while turning his head to look at her. He had to say though his parents worked alot they always made sure to have holidays and both his and Alex's birthdays off which he was always happy for. He was sure if parents wouldn't mind seeing Emma on Christmas she couldn't help but smile at the invitation "Thanks I would love to but please let them know they really don't need to buy me anything" he nods hers scanning over her face before looking back up "I'll let them know but they'll probably still get you something I'll pick you up Christmas morning" she loved the fact that his parents really seemed to like her. She rolls over on her chest laying her head on her crossed arms "And you don't have to get me anything either if you don't want but if you do, please don't make it expensive got it" pointing her finger at him he simply hums while smiling. By the look on his face she could tell her words went in one ear and out the other and he would probably end up getting her something "My birthday day is a few days after anyways my parents will be back on my birthday for some party they are going to throw for me" she mentioned while rolling her eyes before letting out a yawn starting to feel slightly tired. She was happy she ran into Blake to night it completely took her mind off the scary stories from earlier. He rolls over copying her position "Two questions when's your birthday? And I'm guessing I'm not invited huh?" she lays her face to the side facing him with closed eyes "January 1 and you really don't have to give me a gift but your always invited to come to my party my parents can just deal with it" she lets out a yawn trying hard to fight back sleep but she was felling. He grins watching as she slowly drifts off to sleep leaning closer he softly kisses her pouty lips "Night Emma" he gently cuddles her against his chest wrapping his arms around her to keep her warm and close before his eyes start to slowly flutter closed.

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