Chap. 6

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As soon as Blake and Alex gets home to the empty house Alex runs through the door dragging his bookbag behind him by the strap "Thank god I'm out of that place now time for the snack of kings" he says grinning as he makes his way into the kitchen. Blake drops his car keys in the bowl by the door his bookbag thrown over one shoulder "Not so fast dude if your taking about ice cream it's not happening today" he says making his way into the kitchen seeing Alex standing on a chair already pulled up to the fridge. He turns seeing Blake walking over to him "Why not?" Alex raised a eyebrow Blake take Alex bag out his hand sitting on the dining table "It's called a punishment mom said you couldn't have any till you bring up your grades" Blake shrugs his shoulders as Alex let's out a heavy breath rolling his eyes. Alex opens the freezer slightly looking up at Blake "Coooome on Blake they won't even know they aren't ever home anyways how would they find out?" as much as it hurt Alex did have a point. He opens the cabinet pulling out a small bowl and a spoon from out the drawer Alex smiles as Blake opens the freezer the rest of the way pulling out Alex favorite M&M ice cream. He puts two big scoops into the bowl before passing it to Alex as he climbs down from the chair "This never happened deal?" Alex smiles nodding his head as he sits at the table beside his bookbag. Blake watching him eat leaning his arm against the table "You got homework today?" Alex shakes his head licking his spoon "Nope Miss Pear helped me do it in tutoring" that was great now Blake didn't have to worry about helping him do it tonight. Alex points his spoon at Blake as he heads towards the stairs "Isn't she so cool?" Blake shrugs as he pull up on his bag strap "I guess listen I'm going to be doing my homework call me if you need me. After you finish with that clean the bowl and spoon then put them both back up got it?" Alex gives Blake a thumbs up as he takes his bag off the table "I'll just watch Tv or play videogames after this" after hearing that Blake waved him off walking up stairs into his room. Throwing his bag on the bed as he turns on his desk lap despite his outward appearance his room was very clean he had all his clothes put away along with his shoes he had a few band posters on his walls along with his tv along with a work desk. He sits on the bed but not before remembering to leave the door open in case Alex called for help. He pulled out the contents from his book bag opening his first text book and got to work on homework if you look at Blake you would probably think he was the type to not care about his grades but honestly he was smart all his grades where A's,B's he never had difficulty passing tests or pop quiz's. The problem was he always had to put most of his focus on helping Alex, not that he minded he loved his little brother but it did get tiring at times. On normal days he would pick up Alex come open cook him dinner,help him with homework wish it was a lot easier said than done Alex had problems sitting still and paying attention. Then he would get Alex ready for his bath finally he would get him to bed after all that it would be about 11 then Blake would be able to get to his own homework then pass out asleep afterwards. About 30 minutes into doing his homework there's a crash down stairs making Blake jump out of his bed to rush down stairs when he finally gets down stairs his eyes widen as at the sight "I can explain" was the first words that left out Alex's mouth. The chair was to the fridge and the M&M ice cream container along with most of the ice cream has fallen to the ground splattered everywhere Alex standing a few feet away from the mess bitting his lip covered in ice cream "I...just wanted alittle more ice cream but the container was too heavy it slipped out of my hands I tried to get in back in buuutt...I'm sorry Blake" Blake runs his hands through his hair pulling slightly he couldn't believe his eyes. He sighs heavy shaking his head as he got closer the closer he got the worst it looked Alex hands were covered in ice cream from apparently trying to scoop it back into the container along with his shoes tracks cover in ice cream. He couldn't help the frustration in his voice when he said "Oh my god Alex take off your shoes and go upstairs get ready for bath please" he had to get all this cleaned up before their parents got home or they would both be screwed. Alex quickly takes off his shoes running half way up the stairs looking back at Blake walking closer to the mess "I really am sorry Blake..." he whispers before turning around and running the rest of the way up the stairs. Blake looked around already feeling overwhelmed "God damnit Alex" he grumbled as he picked up a towel to get to work cleaning.

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