Chap. 57

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Before Emma knew it, it was the end of Blake's shift as work and after saying their goodbyes to Philo they head to his house. Just like he said the house was completely empty except for them "Your parents really just leave you alone by yourself all day?" It was weird to her because her parents always kept tabs on her even when she wasn't home they would ask their friends around the neighborhood to keep a eye out for her it was the same way at school. She never felt completely alone someone was always watching her "Yah pretty much sometimes they'll come home for lunch but normally I won't see them all day it's usually just me and Alex" pouting she found that kinda sad it sounded pretty lonely. But then again Blake was a loner maybe he didn't mind it as much as she thought he would. They walk up the stairs to his room "Sounds pretty lonely" he opens the door and they walk inside she sits down on the edge of his bed. He sits beside her handing her is tv remote before pulling his phone out his pocket "When I was younger it was but I've gotten used to it" who would he ask for help when he needed it, who would Alex play toys with she guessed they just had each other and that was enough. At least they had each other "Well if you ever need someone I'm right down the road" she says with a smile turning on the tv to Netflix. He calls Dominos to order a pizza "Thanks for the invite by the way I'm ordering a pizza I don't know about you but I'm starving and need a shower" after ordering the pizza he stands up looking at his oil stained shirt. Pulling it over his head her jaw drops watching him his dark blue jeans hang loosely on his hips v line showing his beautiful abs on delay. He runs his fingers through his hair tossing his dirty shirt into a bin at the corner of the room "Go a head and pick whatever girly romance movie you want. You can change into one of my shirts make yourself at home.I should be out by the time the pizzas here" he walks out the bedroom into the bathroom closing and locking it behind him. She sits the remote on the bed before standing up walking over to his closet pulling it open she was hit in the face with the smell of him cologne and cigarettes. Looking though his shirts he had a few different band shirt and graphic tees she pulls out a dark blue button up shirt with pink tropical flowers. It was giving tropical retreat get away and she loved it and could definitely picture him wearing it with the top three buttons undone and of course his signature rings. She takes off her top and slides down her jeans putting her arms through the sleeve of his hawaiian shit buttoning up it falls mid thigh length. Feeling ok with this she sits back on the corner of the bed grabbing the remote scrolling through the movie list. She picks the Barbie movie because she has been wanting to see that after seeing the trailer a few minutes after pressing play she hears a knock at the door downstairs. She suddenly panicked because Blake hadn't came out the bathroom yet. Walking down stairs stopping midway she yells "Pizzas here Lake" as she reaches the door she slowly opens it completely blindsided by the person holding the pizza box. He gives her a awkward smile "Hey Emma is that you" said Chan looking over her outfit making her very aware of her naked legs "You live here?" she shakes her head she haven't seen him much after the night at the dance which she wasn't complaining about after his dick behavior. She didn't want to talk to him but she knew she had to "No I don't live here I'm just staying the night" he nods his head handing her the pizza box. The box was warm in her hands and she looks anywhere but his eyes "I'm just waiting for my umm..." she didn't know weather to say Blake's name or just say friend "The person who's paying" sure that was great...what the hell was she thinking. He leans against the door frame "You look good I like your little outfit" was this dude for real did he completely forget how he acted at the dance there was know way she would even want someone like him. She was just about to give him a piece of her mind when she feels the hand around her waist and Chan's eye's widen slightly "I like the outfit to baby I'm sorry I took so long to get the money I know you hate to be kept waiting" Blake says kissing the side of her neck she turns looks up at him. Her eyes grow big seeing he only had a dark towel around his waist with his had that wasn't around her he hands Chan $20 "Keep the change" he said before slamming the door closed in his shocked face. When the door was closed he laughs pulling way from her taking the pizza "Did you see his face that was priceless" they head upstairs back into his bedroom. He sits the pizza on his bed and  pulls on a pair of black boxers underneath the towel before removing it. She climbs into bed under the blanket "Was that really necessary Lake?" he picks up the box's climbing in the bed beside her under the blanket sitting the box in the middle on their laps. He hands her the remote and opens the led "Yes he doesn't deserve to look at you that way he lost that option after the shit he pulled at the dance. He's fucking lucky I didn't punch his teeth in honestly" he shrugs while picking up a slice of pizza looking at tv. She smiles softly he was right Chan didn't deserve the time of day he was way out of line and once again Blake saved her she leans up kissing his cheek before picking up a slice of pizza.

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