Chap. 8

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Well tonight was the night of the dance and though her parents couldn't be less supportive they held true to their promise on letting her go. But she had to wear one of her old dress and sure it wasn't the most beautiful or glamorous but she didn't care she was just happy to go to the dance she had her hair pulled up in a high ponytail her bangs pushing to one side with a sliver star clip. At the moment she was sitting on the front step waiting for Chan to show up she tried texting and calling him multiple times but he never picked up he was already like 40 min late. She literally begged her parents to let her go to this event and he was late with that thought she sighed heavy. She was unaware that her parents where sitting in the living room watching from the window and anticipation to see the boy she was going out with. Blake was driving down her road to the dance though he didn't want to go tonight he was pretty much forced. He didn't dress up like his parents wanted he wore a black v neck t shirt with his black leather jacket over the top silver chains of different sizes around his neck his hair was messy and he had different silver rings on his fingers nails painted jet black. He was just about to pass she house when he saw her sitting on the step looking sad as hell her head rested on her hands she was in a pretty black dress it was simply but she looked good. Without thinking he parked outside her house which makes her lift her head smiling softly the slightly embarrassed that she recognizes it as Blake's car. He rolls down his window yelling towards her "What you dressed up for Pear?" she shrugs her shoulder giving him a small smile "I'm going to the dance I guess my dates alittle late" she whispers looking down looking sad. He waves her to come closer once she did he whispers "How late?" she pout pulling at her sleeve looking everywhere but his eyes "Like 50 minutes maybe..." his eyes widen a minute who's the dick that would be that late picking up their date? He tilts his head to the side looking over her making her nervous "Get in" he whispers facing forward again she looked at him confused "I can't, what if he comes?" she says looks down the dark empty street not a car in sight. He looks up at her pushing his hair back out his eyes "Well then he will learn not to leave pretty girl waiting" she blushed surprised making him laugh softly "Just get in Emma I'm on my way to the dance to anyway" he faces back forward as she finally gives and walks around the car climbing in. She sighs looking over at him looking over his outfit as they zoom down the street "So your going to the dance in that?" eyeing the silver chains decorating his neck he laughs at her tone of voice "What wrong with my outfit Emma? Do I look bad or something?" he joked while glancing over at her. Her eyes widen as she shakes her head thinking she offended him in some way "Nothing wrong with look good I mean umm I like your outfit it's very chill and are you not coming with anyone?" he shakes his head "Nah no girl can seem to meet my extremely high standards" he says sarcastically. She raised her eyebrow smiling "Standards? Such as?" he shrugs playing with one of his rings "Not being a brainless blood sucking leach... Apparently that type of woman is hard to find nowadays" he rolls eyes eyes sighing dramatically making her laugh loud. She light pushes his arm making him grin "I'm sure she's out there maybe" he shrugs bitting his pink lip "So who's this dude that's ditched you?" he asked genuinely curious who this asshole was she sighs looking in her lap "He didn't ditch me but if you must know it's Chan Lee" he rolls his eyes sucking on his teeth. Of course Chan would go after Emma she's so sweet and nice he could easily abuse her kindness "Why would you wanna go with that dick? he's...a dick" he shrugs shaking his head as they pull up outside the school she chose not to reply to his comment. Blake parks along the other cars seeing people walking inside in suits and gowns music blasting out the school he suddenly remembers the conversation he over heard just a few days ago between the popular group of kids they could have been talking about Emma that day. Emma reaches for the handle he quickly grabbed her other hand without thinking "Are you sure you wanna go in there tonight? the guy stood you up Emma I'm just saying I don't have a good feeling about this" he says quickly she realized he was holding her hand he quickly let go. A part of him didn't want to tell her about their prank he didn't want to hurt her anymore maybe he could just talk her out of going in "Blake I'm going to this dance" or maybe not. She lets out a breath qnd opens the door "Listen Blake I never get opportunities to do things like this I just wanna have fun tonight... I'll see you in there" she smiles at him softly while climbing out the car closing the door behind her. He watches her walk towards the school he lets out a heavy sigh leaning back "It's going to be a interesting night" he whispers before opening the door making his way towards the school.

(Mia note- oh no I feel like drama is about to happen~)

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