Chap. 9

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As Emma walks in her heart pounds alittle faster there was so many other kids inside some of which were looking at her whispering behind their hands. Making her feel very self-conscious pulling on the sleeve of her dress looks down. Blake watched her a short distance away as he leans against a wall "Um would you like to dance with me" a brunette girl asks as she walks up to him he glance at her a moment her bright red dress was super short he had no clue how they let her in the school looking like this and her makeup was so caked on it wasn't delicately applied like Emma makeup was. He didn't want to be rude but he was not about to dance with her so he simply shook his head no which seemed to offend her in some ways. She put her hands on her boney hips "What you think your to good for me or something? Fuck you Blake!" she yell before stumping away making him roll his eyes moving his eyes back around the room trying to find Emma again. She was walking around looks for Chan she deserved some type of explanation out of him. She saw him in the middle of the crowd standing with his group of friends laughing she marched up to him full of sudden confidence. She poked him in the shoulder making him turn to face her "Um remember me the girl you asked on a date here?" Reina stands beside him laughed hair falling around her face. Chan looked down at her trying to hold back his own laughter "Sorry Emma I thought you knew that was a joke why would I come to the dance with you? I mean your a total nerd" she gasped her heart falling to the ground she had been an idiot to think he would want her "Yah have you seen yourself? What even is that fucking dress you get it from the Target trash can?" Reina laughs along with the rest of their friends. Emma couldn't believe it she did so much to be here tonight for...for this she was crushed "Come on guys I think the babies about to cry aww" Reina said before grabbing Chan hand pulling him away with the rest of them following. Emma could instant feel thousands of eyes on her like they were waiting for her to bust into tears. Blake didn't hear what was said but he could practically see her shaking from where he was standing whether it was from sadness or anger he didn't know he pushes off the wall making his way towards her. To him It seemed like people parted as he make his was to her. Emma eyes starts to water as she looks down everyone was laughing and pointing at her while she was wishing the ground could just open up and swallow her whole "Let's get out of here" she hears a deep voice say in front of her. She looks up and see's Blake standing there wearing a full black outfit black hair Infront of his shining green eyes "Huh?" she says softly slightly confused as the on lookers around them stop laughing watching their interaction whispering amongst themselves know one has seem them talk to else other before. He rolls his eyes holding out a hand to her his nails where panted black fingers covered with different silver rings "Let's get the hell out of here Emma" all she can do is stare up at him and shock for a few minutes before hesitantly taking his hand. He grabs her hand leading her out the gym doors as soon as the door closed behind them the gym fills with conversation about what just happened. As they step out the cold air hits her skin tear instantly start to roll down her face "God  how could I be so stupid" she grumbles scolding herself Blake shakes his head letting go of her hand facing her "Your not stupid Emma he's just a dick that likes to use people" he whispers watching as she paced around in the empty parking lot. She stop pacing and points a finger at him "You knew this would happen didn't you? Oh my god that's why you where acting weird in the car. How long did you know about this? Why didn't you tell me?" she walks closer poking her a finger against his chest. He sighs pushing her hand away "I found out a few days ago that they where pull a prank on some girl I didn't know it would be you. When I found out you where going to the dance I knew it was you and tried to convince you not to go in but you wouldn't listen to me. I didn't tell you because...." he pauses a minute to looks at a face filled with sadness and anger "I didn't want to see you sad and angry". She lets out a dramatic huff and stumps away down the sidewalk away from him. He follows behind her she quickly turns facing him "Where you in on it? To make a fool of me in front of everyone. You didn't even know me or talk to me till a few days ago now you're acting so interested in me this must be part joke too right?" suddenly thinking the worst she rolls her eyes wrapping her arms around herself the cold breeze nips at her skin. He takes of his leather jacket handing it to her "Listen I just think your a cool girl. You didn't deserve how they treated you tonight I'm sorry I didn't tell you...I should have" she hesitantly takes his leather jacket wiping her tears away with the back of her other hand. He pushes his hair out his face "Honestly you're the one who's out of his league you could do so much better than that walking STD" she laughs softly looking at the jacket in her hands before sliding in on her arms. The jacket wraps her in his masculine scent he puts his hands into his pocket grinning "Hey yah know what...let's get the hell out of here" he turns walking back towards his car completely over this dance and dealing with all the stuck up kids inside. She stands in the middle of the sidewalk watching him go "And go where?" She questioned before following after him he shrugs opening the car door for her "Anywhere we want forget everything else and let's have fun tonight" he says with a slight grin looking at her over the top of the door. Maybe it was time for them both to put themselves first and have one night of complete freedom. She gives a shy smile pulling her phone out her dress pocket all ready seeing a dozen texts from her parents before she presses the Do Not Disturb button climbing into the car "Let's get the hell out of here" he laughs softly at her boldness closing her door softly before walking around the car climbing in the front seat. In his rearview mirror he can see some of the kids  step out of the school watching them climbing into his car in shock and aw he puts his hand out the window giving them the middle finger making her laugh as he slams his foot on the gas pedal and they speed off into the night together.

(Mia note- Did anyone else want to punch Reina in the face liiike girl I hate her lol)

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