Chap. 66

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"I hope Blake likes this gift I mean I did say we didn't have to do gifts..." Emma said while swinging the light blue bag loosely in one of her hands the other hand two other bags. She just finished picking out what she had to say, was the perfect gifts for Blake she already got Kandy and Chris gift's. It was so much fun shopping with the girls and to see the different shopping style between them. For instants Claire loved anything pink or blue small and fluffy plushies and clothes she picked up a pair of light blue headphones with white clouds on them for herself. Whitney picked up a few books from Barnes And Nobles mostly romance or adventure. Niki got two new pairs of heels a blood red strappy pair and a simple black pair of dancing heels she said for her pole dancing lessons. She said it was great exercise Whitney even said she went to a few classes from time to time "I'm sure he'll like anything from you" Claire says wiggling her eyebrows making Emma laugh. They where currently walking towards the food court for some food before they leave "I mean there's a possibility he didn't get you anything so he'll definitely appreciate these gifts plus one of them has a cute meaning between the two of you" Whitney states which was true one of the gifts she picked out wasn't expensive but it held meaning. She really hope he didn't get her anything or if he did she hoped it was cheap "Well...well well I didn't know they let loser's into this mall. Looks like we can't come here again" Emma pressed her eye's tightly together knowing the annoying voice anywhere. She turns around seeing Reina wearing something that looked like it came straight out of mean girls along with Heather and Raven standing beside her hands on their hips "And I see you finally made some friends A slut, anime nerd and a hood rat but I guess something is better then nothing" she shrugs while her friends laugh as if what she said was even funny. Niki steps forward eyeing Reina up and down with her arms crossed "Emma who the hell is this Barbie wannabe?" she spits out Whitney glare at Reina as well while Claire puts a reassuring hand on Emma's arm. Emma didn't want to deal with Reina crap today it was suppose to be fun outing with her friends but she just had to mess it up "Just some mean girls from school let's just go guys" Emma whispers and pulls on the back of Niki's shirt slightly. Emma just wanted to get away from Reina is didn't want to deal with the petty shit. Whitney looks back at Emma a moment "Sounds like a bunch of bullies to me" she turns her gaze to Reina "I don't like bullies" Reina holds up her hands a smug smile on her lips "Chill out home girl I just wanted to let Emma know that I had so much fun underneath Chan last night. I bet she wishes she could've been me" she says while picking at her red nail polish. Emma didn't care about Chan anymore after the dance he became pretty much dead to her. But he definitely showed interest in her when he delivered the pizza to Blake's house awhile go. Emma steps forward Claire hand falling from her arm as she walks around Whitney "Listen I don't care about him and if you think he actually cares about you...your crazy if shit hits the fan he would definitely not be there for you" she says strongly staring Reina lets out a fake laugh before taking a step back. When she took her step back Emma noticed the flash in her eyes of...she didn't really know...maybe sadness or realization maybe she did believe Chan loved her in some way. But people like Chan doesn't care for anyone other then themselves "What ever your just celosa perra jealousy doesn't look doesn't look good on you. I'm out of here I don't want you sadness to rub off on me...lets go girls" she turns swiftly hair flipping over her shoulder as she turns stumping away followed by Heather and Raven. That was the first time Reina has just given up that easily and it did slightly surprise her. Niki sighs heavily making Emma turn to her "Man...I don't miss those days bullies and all that shit isn't it" Whitney nods as glaring at Reina's back "I need coffee let's go y'all" Claire says throwing her arm around Emma's shoulder. They began to walk towards the food court "Yah I need coffee after all that" Whitney whispers Niki turns walking backwards "Honestly...fuck her she's just being a bitch because she's not as cool as us" Claire laughs pointing a finger at her "They hate us cuz they an't us?" Niki nods while grinning facing back forward "Exactly" they all laugh. Usually Emma faces bullies on her own but this time she had her friends on her side giving her confidence to speak up for herself. She finally had friends that had her back and was there when she needed them despite Reina showing up tp ruin everything this was still a great day.

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