Chap. 17

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"So this is the place" Blake says as he leads Emma through the front door into the empty house. She looks around as she follows him through the big livingroom toys lay down on the soft carpet probably left by Alex and tv hung up on the wall along with photos of Blake and Alex with who she assumed was their parents. He glance back at her as they make their way up the stairs "So I guess I'll try to find you a change of clothes. My clothes should fit you they may be alittle big buuuut it's all we got" they walk up to his door a sign hung on it saying do not disturb in red and black font. He opens it up followed by her he turn around pointing a finger at her "Don't touch anything" he points over to his deck as if telling her to sit before he walks over to his closet. She rolls her eyes as she makes her way over to the deck pulling out the chair sitting down. She unzips his leather jacket looking down at her wet stained shirt sighing heavy making him look back at her as he pulls out a Green day t-shirt "Aren't you happy now that we got out of their you would have had to go through the whole day wearing that shirt. And it's pretty see through at this point not that I'm minding the view I'm just letting you know~" he jokes grinning before turning back away looking through a drawer for bottoms for her to wear. She blushed quickly zips back up the jacket embarrassed about the whole situation that happened at the school. How could she go back to school tomorrow knowing everyone saw her run off with Blake again? She rubs her temples already feeling the migraine setting in Blake pulls out a pair of gray jogging pants with a pull cord to tie the waist "This should work" walking closer he hands the clothes to her. She stands taking the clothes holding them up against her body "I suggest taking a shower first" he walks out the room pointing to a door at the end of the hall "Bathrooms right through there" he begins walking his way back down the stairs. Her stops him by calling out his nickname "Hey Lake" he turns his head looking up at her she gives him a small smile "Thanks for...all this" she turns walking into the bathroom closing and locking the door behind her he grins softly making his way into the livingroom. While Emma was taking a shower Blake spent that time cleaning up the livingroom of Alex's toys he just finished and sits on the couch "I left my wet clothes in your room" he hears Emma's voice as she walks down stairs in his clothes his jacket in her hands. He turns his head watching her make her way over to him "You don't look to bad in my clothes. Much better then covered in Gatorade right?" she sits down beside him as he picks the remote off the table. She nods her head sitting the jacket on her lap "Definitely better" she leans her head back sighing loudly as he takes his jacket off her lap sliding it on. She turns her head looking at him "Now what do we do I've never ditched before...what's the protocol?" he laughs finding it cute that she doesn't do this on the regular. He picks up a video game controller from the table tossing it into her lap "Well how about we play a video game to pass some time" she picked up the PlayStation controller awkwardly holded it backward. He reaches over turning it around in her hands "I've never played video games before I don't really know how. I probably won't be good" she looks down at her lap slightly ashamed she never had a normal life growing up. He starts up the game looking over at her while shrugging "Well you don't know unless you try right?" he was right what would one game hurt maybe it would be fun.


"In your face!" Emma giggles pointing a finger at Blake who's crossing his arms glaring at her. He lost the fourth game of Super Smash Brothers in a row to her, one game turned into them laying on the couch playing random games for the past 3 hours. Surprisingly he wasn't bored of being around her by now even though she was a sarcastic brat at times she seemed pretty cool. A few minutes ago he ordered a pizza for them to share and she was doing a doing a victory dance at his expense "To never have played video games your pretty good at it" she twirled around in circles laughing "I'm starting to think you cheated" he rubs his chin contemplating the thought. She stops spinning pointing a finger at him "Your just a sore loser Lake" he rolls his eyes standing up grabbing a couch pillow hitting her in the arm with it. She laughs rubbing the arm faking pain "So it's war you want huh?" she picks up another pillow hitting it against the side of his head. That was the start of their epic pillow fight war pillows flying left and right they both completely lost track of time laughing and giggling like kids having fun like they haven't had in years. He picks her up spinning her in the air making her hair fly around wildly "It's not fault you suck at video games Lake!" she laughs hitting his back as he finally stops spinning them. She wobbles on her feet dizzy he kept his arms around her waist to keep her steady just then they both hear "What are you doing home Blake" Blake turns his head seeing his mom standing in the doorway hands on her hips "Mom" Alex was standing beside her a lollypop in his mouth wide eyes "Miss Pear?" he looks between between them confused. He drop Emma in shock she falls to the floor with a thud rubbing her head "You are in sooo much trouble" Alex whispers looking up at the fury and his mom's eyes needless to say Blake did possible fuck up.

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