Chap. 25

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"Y'all know the rules of the race make it to Galway park on the other side of town and back. You get caught by the police your out, you give up halfway your out, you physically try to hurt your or cause harm to your opponents you are out of the club indefinitely!" the blonde yelled through the megaphone in front of all the races. Their was about 15 other races beside themselves and their engines start to rev to life loudly Blake was parked right next to Thomas who was currently giving him dirty looks. The girl puts her hand on her hips "Winner get all the bets placed on them from the members and patrons of the club soooo are you ready to race!!?!" she yells making the crowd around them go crazy, it was electric. Emma held on tightly around Blake waist digging her nails into his shirt slightly terrified regretting all her life choices. She looked to her side seeing Chris jumping up and down cheering while Kandy claps beside him giving her a nervous smile from the sidelines. The blonde in front of them holds a red ribbon high up in the air a grin on her red lips. Kandy suddenly noticed Emma's was wearing high heels her feet slightly shaking on the footpegs unable to get a steady grip. She runs over bending over to taking them off Emma's feet "You'll thank me later" she moves back holding her heels Emma settles her feet much more comfortably on the hard metal pegs just as the blonde drops the ribbon and the motorcycle shoots forward. The bikes race around the blonde Emma lets out a soft yelp at the new found speed she couldn't tell how fast they where racing down the road but it was hella fast. Lights and sounds race past as Blake whisks around traffic other racers and parked cars some honking loudly at him. The scent of his cologne has completely enveloped her. Emma sat with this bike underneath her that’s rumbling and vibrating and moving like it’s part of her, it’s was like the most powerful sense she ever had of being in control of her own life. At that thought she couldn't help but smile yes this was completely dangerous and yes maybe Blake was dangerous too but the adventure was so new and wild she loved it after all who in their right mind can pass up a bad boy on a motorcycle. They got to a heavily trafficked area of cars Blake easily swerves left and right between them along with the other racers. Her senses where kinda on hyper alert, it was like a very heightened state of consciousness everything was so loud around her. Suddenly Thomas flashes pass them on his bike Blake ring covered fingers tighten around the handled pushing the machine to go faster "Hold on tight and lean when I lean" he yells back to her making her pull herself as close as physically possible. He does a sharp turn to the right zooming past a red light making cars slam on their brakes she does as he asked leaning to the right with him. Apparently he had a plan because the street they went down let out farther down the road. They merge back onto the main road Emma turns her head looking back seeing that Thomas was now behind them looking angry. Behind him she could see the blue and red flashing lights "We may have trouble" she faces back forward just in time to see them do and quick U turn around the Galway park sign Blake speeds back to The Underground. He speeds past Thomas and the 3 police cars that where following him in a unexpected twist instead of going to Galway park Thomas turns and beings following Blake along with the cops. When the cops are right on Thomas tail he does a quick turn down a tight alleyway that's the cop cars couldn't fit. Emma eyes widen as the 2 of the 3 cop cars unable to follow Thomas began following them she lets out a gasp in disbelief. This must have been Thomas plan since he couldn't win the race he was ratting them out. Blake tried to lose them turning down a alleyway the third cop car was already blocking their exit and the other 2 cop car came from behind they where officially trapped. Blake stops his bike as the police officers climb out their car approaching them. The chief of police is a fat older looking white man name tag reading Mr. Gates stands in front of Blake with his arms crossed "Off the bike boy" Blake kicks the kick stand out still sitting on the bike. Emma happily gotz off the bike even though the cheif didn't ask her to "I'm not a boy I'm a man" Emma lets out a awkward laugh before glaring at him. The chief laughs rubbing his jew before pulling out his handcuffs "Well men go to jail for illegal street racing" the other cops laugh softly Emma looks at Blake silently begging him to just get down "That will not be necessary he'll get off the bike" she says trying to save his ass but he was being hard headed. Blake rolls his eyes but climbs off the bike she lets out of breath she didn't even realize she was holding "I wasn't talking to you girl know your place" the chief said pointing a fat finger in her direction. She glared at him feeling like his statement was racially motivated but decided not to speak up it wasn't worth it. Blake steps up to the chief looking him up and down Emma put her hand on his wrist to hold his back "Watch how you talk to her" the chief shakes his head before holding up the cuffs "You got a smart mouth boy I'm taking you in are you going to make a smart decision?" he raised a brow swinging the cuffs in a circle around his fat finger. Emma holds her breath for Blake's response he reaches into his pocket to pull out his phone "Lets get this over with call Chris he'll get you,my bike and bail me out" one of the officers force both Blake's hands to the front cuffing him before he can hand her his phone. Blake looks at him confused while the chief taps his chin as if thinking "Did I say I was just taking you in? I meant I'm taking you both in cuff her boys" the other cops pulls out his cuffs walking towards her she takes a step back. Blake glares at the chief as one of the cops force him to move closer to the backseat of his police car "Wait she didn't do anything wrong I was the one driving...she can't even drive" the chief shrugs walking to his car as the officer cuffs Emma tears rolling down her cheeks. The chief opens his car door watching as the his buddy opens his backseat pushing Blake inside "She's your accomplice and she was being mouthy towards me so she's going into custody alongside you" he grins as the officer slides Emma inside the backseat of his car she wouldn't be riding which Blake to jail. Blake glares daggers at the chief "That's bullshit" he says grinding his teeth the chief laughs smugly "Life's bullshit" The chief climbs into his car closing the door and the backseat door was slammed shut in Blake's face before he could say more. All she can do is sit in the backseat of the police car cuffs digging into her wrist and watch as the police car carrying Blake drives ahead of them. So many thoughts races through her head but the biggest was "My parents are going to kill me" she lays her head against the cold window.

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