Chap. 71

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"The girl that broke my heart and the guy that she picked over what do I owe this displeasureable visit?" Jason said as they walk into his room he closed and locked the door behind them. She has never been in his bedroom before there wasn't posters or even a tv but there was different awards he had won covering the walls a desk with a laptop closed on it with a few papers sat on top. His room was overly clean,neat and tidy bed sheets pressed and folded on his bed no clothes on the floor everything was in its rightful place. He walk over to his desk pulling out the chair taking a seat while watching them closely "Cut the crap Jason you better leave Emma alone" Blake said pointing at him making Jason raise a brow. He looked rather confused "What are you talking about? I haven't seen Emma in weeks" If he was lying  he was a very good actor because he genuinely didn't seem to know what they where talking about. Blake lets out a fake laugh while crossing his arms "Yah right stop stalking her and leave her alone before we take this to the police" Jason's widen while standing up "Stalking her...Emma what is all this about you have a stalker?" he looks at her concerned despite Blake's annoyance. Emma takes the news paper clipping out her pocket holding it up to show him "Are you telling me you didn't send this to me?" he walks closer taking the paper from her hand eyes looking over it. Shaking his head he hands it back "I promise to you I had nothing to do with this" Blake pokes a finger against his chest making him take a step back "Emma told me you where mad when she broke up with her. Your own dad said you where devastated. Maybe you where mad enough to do something like this" Jason glares at him before looking back at her. He pressed his lips while looking down "I'll admit I was crashed when you broke up with me how wouldn't be, but I would never do something like this to you. I swear Emma this wasn't me" a chill runs through her body she wasn't sure if he was being truthful or not. Just as easily as it he could be lying he could just as easily be telling the truth "If you didn't do anything wrong why would you let us come up here so easily" Blake asks making Jason let out a snort before walking back over to his deck. He sits back down shrugging his shoulders "If your going to talk shit about me I rather it be in here then out there in front of my father. But don't miss understand I haven't done anything to her since we broke up" they where never actually together but Emma decides not to mention it now. She puts the news paper back into her pocket "Maybe it's just someone pulling a prank or something" Jason says nonchalantly while struggling his shoulders. Blake walks over to him grabbing him by the front of his shirt pulling him up off the chair forcefully surprising both her and Jason. The action make her gasp "You think this is a game? Some kinda joke to you!?" he says grinding his teeth together Jason looks at him fearful. Blake slightly shakes his body around "Her life isn't some joke...not to me" Emma puts a hand on his  arm making him look down at her "Let him go Blake" the last thing she wanted was Blake to get in trouble because of her. He lets out a breath before slowly unclenching his fingers around Jason's shirt making his body fall back into the chair. Her mind was racing while looking at the ground was it really not Jason who left the letter? She looks up looking in his eye "Was it really not you," her voice was soft watching as he shakes his head "No I didn't do it..I swear" tears start to well in her eyes as she looks up at Blake shocked expression. It was as if he suddenly realized Jason was possibly telling the truth "If it wasn't Jason..." he whispers a tear rolling down her cheek "Then...who was it?" she said finishing his sentence they all look between each other in silence " eve.ever" Jason whispers rubbing both hands down his face at a loss of words.

(Mia note: Hope you guys are enjoying the story so far if you like it go check out my other stories love yah 🩷

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