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Chapter 79

Song Xi originally wanted to send Nanxun home and leave, but Nanxun said to invite her to her home.

Among the several apprentices, Song Xi has been to the Xu family, the Qian family, and the Li Zhibo family has also been to the rescue once.

Only he has not been to the Zhou family.

Thinking of this, Song Xi contacted Xu Yushu again, and went to the Zhou family with Nanxun.

The No. 18 star where the Zhou family is located is very distinctive, and the urban area on this planet accounts for a considerable proportion, unlike other planets she has seen, whether it is the No. 2 star, the No. 4 star or the 21st star, each planet has a particularly large green area, and the proportion of cities is relatively small.

Most of Star 18 is an urban area, and it is night, and when you look at space, you can see a large area of bright colors on the ground, like a continuous flame, which is the neon lights in the city.

As soon as the starship stopped at the space station, there were staff members to register, and apparently the Qian family logo on the starship attracted the attention of many people.

With Nanxun present, the other party didn't ask many questions, and simply let him go.

The escort team stayed on the starship, and Song Xi told them to buy some living materials, so he and Nanxun changed spaceships together, and soon arrived on the planet ground and came to the Zhou family's home.

Surprisingly, a family of the Zhou family occupied an entire city.

This city is called Zhoucheng, located on the plain, the city is not small, all kinds of building facilities are developed, according to Nanxun, the entire Zhoucheng is the home of the Zhou family.

The city is inhabited by members of the Zhou family, as well as the employees and subordinates who work for them.

In the center of the city is a huge manor house that is the residence of the head of the Zhou family. With the manor as the center, the outside is a circle of neighborhoods. The closer you live to the manor, the more powerful you are in the family, and the farther you live, the equivalent of a transparent person in the clan.

There are seven rings in the entire Zhoucheng realm, and the Nanxun family lives at the junction of the second and third ring roads, which is an embarrassing area without moving forward.

Nanxun first took Song Xi to see her parents, and it happened that her parents were both at home.

Nanxun's father was a tall, thin-looking and well-mannered man who was very bookish and spoke slowly, and seemed to be an artist. The mother was cheerful and neat, and when she saw Song Xi coming, although she was a little curious and surprised, she warmly asked her to stay as a guest.

I heard that Nanxun also has a grandfather who is retired in the other planet's other courtyard.

Song Xi also met Nanxun's sister Nankui, and a younger brother, who was only about ten years old.

Although the family is in the family, they get along intimate and natural, and there is no polite alienation from the family.

Song Xi ate a meal, saw that everything was fine with Nanxun, and planned to leave.

Unexpectedly, just about to leave, an uninvited guest came to the door.

Looking at the uninvited guest again, she actually knew Zhou Nanyin, who had had a relationship in the freshman training match. She was not impressed by this girl, the two had not talked, and the reason why she remembered it was because of her strong memory.

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