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Chapter 127

Sensing the faint flow of information coming from the void, as well as the emotions of determination, fear, and sadness contained in it, Song Xi suddenly realized that the arrival of his group seemed to have a big impact on the world?

Look scares people ... They all feel that all mankind is going to be destroyed.

However, it was also her negligence to stay in Xu Jia's home for too long, but she didn't expect that just staying in space for such a short moment, she was made up by these brains of aliens to destroy human beings.

Song Xi opened her eyes and saw that a small spaceship was slowly approaching her a hundred miles away.

Looking at the high-tech spaceship with a perfect and smooth appearance of the Federation, this spaceship is full of flaws in Song Xi's eyes, the production method is bloated and rough, full of primitive taste, almost no need to attack, as long as she has a thought, she can make it fall apart in place.

But Song Xi didn't do it.

She also didn't think this spaceship was ridiculous, no matter how good the spaceship she had seen and how clever the technology was, she had no reason to despise the people of this world.

This is a natural process in every world, whether it is the Federation or the Orc Empire, it must have gone through this stage of nascent technology.

Just like a person, because he is an adult, should he despise all immature minors?

Because you have been through the storm and know more about life, do you look down on those children who have stumbled and just embarked on their own path?

If it does, it shows that the person is also denying himself.

Because he has also experienced a childish childhood and immature adolescence, by denying these stages, he is denying his past.

So at this moment, looking at the rough spaceship that gathered the world's highest wisdom and slowly flew towards her, a slight smile appeared on Song Xi's face.

Sure enough, at all times, she would be gratified by the unyielding will of mankind.

These people know that the road ahead is uncertain, know that the anger of "aliens" may be waiting for them ahead, and know that their actions are likely to be useless, and still do it without hesitation.

"Professor Lin, is this the direction?"

"That's right, the instrument shows that the energy is still in place. According to the detection, the energy range is spherical, no more than one cubic meter, the specific value cannot be measured, and the accuracy of the energy display is not enough.

"A cubic meter of sphere, what would it be?"

"I don't know, but I can be sure that this energy is very powerful, very, very powerful, more than the energy contained in tens of thousands of nuclear bombs combined." Such a powerful energy compressed into such a small mass, and with such stability, it is impossible for human beings to do it, so we speculate that it may be an alien bomb or weapon that human technology cannot understand.

"Wait - it moved!"

There was a sudden exclamation from inside the spacecraft, full of confusion and panic.

"It's coming at us!"

"It found us! How come, does it have intelligence!? "Quick

! Electromagnetic cannon ready! The energy field is on!

One by one, the people inside the

spacecraft wore bloated and pure white spacesuits, and mobilized various facilities in a panic.

✓After the big guy Xiuzhen dressed as interstellar cannon fodderWhere stories live. Discover now