|chapter thirty-one|

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I close the door after we enter my room. "I'm just going to go change." I walk into my closet and change into a pair of grey sweatpants and a tank top. When I walk out Tyler is sitting on my bed with his shoes off. I go sit on the bed in front of him, so we are facing each other.

"You want to start?" I lean my back against the headboard and pull my knees towards my chest. "Rebecca and I have been over for a long time. There is nothing for you to be jealous over." He moves closer to me and places his hands around my ankles.

"Really, Tyler. You left me in the middle of a conversation to go dance with her. Not to mention you started our argument in front of her." I don't care what he says about Rebecca. I don't trust her, but he is too blind to see her games.

"Ok, yeah that was fucked up and I'm sorry about that, but me and Rebecca dance to that song all the time." I move my legs further into my body making him lose his grip on my ankles.

"I don't care about a fucking song Tyler. We were talking about us and you just dipped on me for your ex. You probably spent 30 minutes with me this entire night. The rest you were with Rebecca and I shouldn't be upset." I'm trying to remain calm, but his justification for leaving me is pissing me off by the seconds.

"What about you spending the entire night with Bryce. Do you think I wasn't upset when I saw you two sitting so close together on the stairs?" Tyler slides his body backward, so he can have room to talk with his hands.

"The difference is that I didn't fuck Bryce, but you and Rebecca have. No matter what you try to tell me, it's hard to have sex with no emotions involved. So, don't try to compare me and Bryce to you and Rebecca."

I've realized this conversation is not going to end in a make-out session. I'm not even worried if Cayden hears us.

"Yeah, but you two kissed," Tyler says in a stern tone. Here comes the kiss again. Why can't he just let it go?

"See, that's why I wasn't going to tell you because you were going to hold it over my head. I don't know how many times I must tell you Bryce is my friend. If I'm expected to get over you and Rebecca hanging out, then you have to get used to me and Bryce." My voice has come down a few notches, but you can still sense the anger.

"I'm not just worried about Bryce. I'm worried about you still having feelings for him. That's why I haven't—." His voice breaks midsentence, but I have a feeling of what he was going to say.

"That's why you haven't asked me to be your girlfriend. It's because you don't trust me." I barely make out my sentence because my eyes start to water. I reach my hand up to wipe a tear away before it falls. Tyler doesn't trust me. I have done nothing but prove my loyalty to him.

In a matter of seconds, furious Cahlia is back. "Why the hell are you here if you don't trust me? It seems like a waste of time, right? We have been dating for almost a month and you don't fucking trust me."

I get off the bed because so much anger is flowing through my body. "I set there at the party watching Rebecca constantly touch you. I let it slide when she pulled you away from me to dance. I didn't say anything to her while she was smiling during our fight. However, I am the one who can't be trusted."

Tyler sits there in silence. He just watches my every move. "Tell me how long it took for you to ask Rebecca."

He runs his hand through his hair and slides to the edge of the bed. "It took three weeks."

I let out a sarcastic laugh. "Honestly Tyler, fuck you. Fuck whatever this is. I'm done waiting for someone who doesn't even trust me." I can sense a panic attack coming on and the tears just start falling. How quickly Tyler and I began is how quickly it's going to end.

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