|chapter fourty-four|

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"Lia, we aren't having sex right now." Tyler sits up on the bed. I move my hair to the side when I sit up. "Why not?" I ask slightly offended. "Lia, you have been drinking and I want you to be completely coherent." He moves forward and touches his knees to mine. 

"I am coherent, and I know what I want." I run my hand through my hair, fixing the pieces standing up. "Lia, I just want to wait. The moment we finally do it will be special. It's too important to go down in my bedroom." He waves his hands around his room and it makes me smile.

He leans forward to move a strand of hair behind my ear. He kisses me on the lips before he moves back. "Can we go to bed now?" I shake my head "yes" and he softly pushes me down on my back. 

I start laughing when I feel Tyler's fingers trying to take off my skirt. I let him struggle for a minute until finally lifting my hips. "You did that on purpose," Tyler says adding my skirt to the pile of my clothes. I look at him innocently as I get under his covers. He picks up my clothes and sits them on his couch.

"I'm sorry if I hold you extra tight tonight," Tyler says getting into bed behind me. "I wouldn't want you to hold me any other way." I move closer to Tyler's chest and quickly fall asleep.


I wake up to a knock on Tyler's door. Tyler says, "come in" in a hoarse voice. "Hello, lovebirds. Come down for breakfast before it gets cold." Tyler's mom blows us both a kiss before closing the door. 

"I really love your mom," I say turning over to face him. I move his hair from covering his face and he does the same to me. "Let's get you some pants so you can go down," he says kissing my forehead. Tyler gets out of the bed and goes into his closet to grab me some pants. I put on the grey sweats he brings me. "I'm going to ask my mom if you can stay with us," Tyler says before opening his bedroom door.

"No, Tyler. That's too much and I can't ask her that. Especially knowing I'll be living under the same roof with my boyfriend." I feel like I would be intruding on their lifestyle and I don't want to put them in that position. "Baby, she will be fine with it. She loves you just as much as I do. Let's just ask and see what she says." I softly nod my head and he grabs my hand before heading downstairs.

The smell of bacon, eggs, grits, and pancakes immediately hit my face. We walk into the kitchen and take a seat at the kitchen counter. Mrs. Williams has already made our plates and I dig in once I sit down. 

"Thanks, so much Mrs. Williams. This is really good." I use the paper towel next to my plate to wipe the syrup from my mouth. "Of course, sweetie. As long as you are here, you will always have a meal." She gives me a kind smile and I thank her again.

"Speaking of staying, mom, I wanted to know if it would be okay for Lia to stay with us for a while." Tyler's mom takes a sip of her orange juice and looks at Tyler. I can't tell what she is thinking from her eyes, but she didn't shut the idea down immediately, so that is a good sign.

"I have a question and I want you two to be honest with me," she says and we both nod at her.

"Are you two sexually active?" 

Tyler almost spits out his drink and I begin to choke on my food. "No mom!" Tyler seems shocked that his mom asked that question. "Of course, not Mrs. Williams," I say taking a sip of my water to stop my choking fit. "I mean it's completely fine if you are. I just want you two to be safe. Like Tyler do you have condoms? Lia are you on birth control?"

I actually never thought about getting on the pill. I wonder if Mrs. Williams knows of any doctors. "Mom, you were with me when dad bought me condoms. However, I haven't used them in a long time because I haven't been with anyone," Tyler groans before starting to eat again. "Oops, I completely forgot I was there. What about you Lia?"

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