|chapter thirty-three|

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Saturday, a week later.

😜My Right Hands😜:

😉 Bryce 😉: What up guys! Parents are out of town & I'm having a little pool party. Ya'll down?

🌮Wesley🌮: Hell yeah, I'm down.

🥇Parker🥇: Same. Time?

😉 Bryce 😉: Around 1pm.

🌼 Me 🌼: Will there be food?

😉 Bryce 😉: Of course, Lia. Nothing but the best  😂

🌼 Me 🌼: Perfect! I'll be there

🌸Nova🌸: Same, but mostly for the food. 😊

😍 Tyler😍: Sounds fun Bryce. Lia, you want to ride with me?

🌼 Me 🌼: Sure Ty.

💄 Reid 💄: Will be there.

🔥 Coco🔥 : I'm down.

🏆Drew🏆: Wait, what's going on??

After explaining the plan to Drew, he finally said he would go. Tyler texted me separately saying he would swing by around 12:45, so that gives me plenty of time. After hearing the grumbling from my stomach multiple times; I decide to get my lazy ass up to go downstairs.

As I get closer to the kitchen, I smell something delicious. "Well, hello Cayden," I say sitting down at the kitchen bar. "Hello, baby sister. So, I've made your favorite, pizza with spinach and chicken." I know why he is making me this spectacular meal. We haven't talked about that awkward moment I walked in on a few weeks ago. He's been too busy moving into his apartment at UCLA.

"Wow, what's the occasion?" I grab a plate and take four slices of pizza. "I know what happened a few weeks ago was awkward as hell and I just wanted to apologize for that. I also wanted to know since I'm going back to school on Monday; if you would join Jordyn and I for dinner?"

To be honest, I liked Jordyn. I just caught her in a compromising position. "Sure, when?" I ask with a mouth full of pizza. "Perfect! Sunday at 6. Is the Cheesecake Factory ok?" "Anything you want Cayden. However, can I invite Tyler?" My brother hesitates in front of the fridge before turning around.

I only asked as a courtesy. I was going to bring Tyler with me regardless.

"Of course, I need to give him the talk." I softly laugh finishing my last slice of pizza. "The talk?" I raise my eyebrow and all Cayden does is smile at me. "You say something dumb, and I'll tell Jordyn somethings in return," I say throwing my plate away. His smile turns smug because I've never threatened him before today. He claps at me and says "good play little sis." I wink at him before turning around and leaving the kitchen.

"By the way, thanks for the bomb ass pizza!" I yell as I walk upstairs.


"Are you sure you don't want to give me a sneak peek?" Tyler has been constantly asking me to show him my swimsuit since he picked me up. Since we've gotten more intimate with each other, it seems like we can't keep our hands off one another.

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