Louis: Paralysis (3)

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Louis POV

The next few weeks me and Harry had gotten better and we had discovered a routine for getting me up. I was becoming a lot stronger so I could transfer myself pretty easily now. I also wasn't having as much pain, so I could dress myself and usually make my way into the kitchen in the morning where he was making breakfast.

Our relationship was also getting better. We continued doing the therapy with Dr. T, but we were talking to each other a lot more, just like we used to. Also we started to be more intimate with each other. It was definitely challenging at first, but we figured it out and I think it's made us have a stronger relationship.

Another success was that I started to have little feeling in the soles of my feet. My physical therapist suggested getting an MRI to see the spinal cord damage, so that is where we are heading today. I wheel myself into the kitchen to see Harry packing up all of our stuff for the day.

"Morning love." I say wheeling over to him and wrapping my arms around his waist as he turned and leaned down to kiss me, making me smile.

"Morning Lou. Ready to go?" I nodded and he smiled, taking my hand and leading me out of the house, down the newly built ramp. We only had a piece of wood that was there before, but Niall and Liam built a new ramp for me, which was such a nice gesture. We got out to where the car was and Harry lifted me in, then taking my chair and placing it in the back.

The drive to the hospital was about 30 minutes with all the city traffic, but we made it to our appointment on time. Harry helped me back into my chair and we walked/wheeled into the hospital hand in hand and checked in at the desk. We waited about 15 minutes before I was called back, leaving Harry alone in the waiting room. He had to wait as we were going straight to the MRI.

They had to knock me out for the MRI as they were scanning my brain and spinal cord and I had to be completely still and that wouldn't work with my muscle spasms. They took me into a room and I was definitely nervous, but they assured me that it would be okay.

"Alright Louis I'm going to start your IV then we will get the anesthesiologist in here and we will get started." The nurse put in the IV very quickly and gave me something to calm me down. I felt relaxed immediately and was already feeling tired when the anesthesiologist came in.

"Hi I'm Dr. Alex and I'll be helping put you to sleep." He looked toward the nurse who nodded and they placed a mask over my mouth and nose and then I was out.


Harry POV

"Mr. Styles?" A nurse called from the doorway. I put the magazine that I was reading down and then stood up and made my way to her. "It went fine. Louis is in a room and just waking up. A doctor will be in soon with the results." She led me down the hallway to Louis' room and left us alone.

Louis was hooked up to some wires, supposedly to track his brain activity and to test his spinal cord. His physical therapist said that if he gained little feeling in his feet, he could possibly walk again, at least a little bit, but I didn't want to get our hopes up.

I sat down in the chair that was beside Louis' bed and waited about 5 minutes before he began to stir. He then opened his eyes and looked around confusedly. I took his hand and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Oh hey Haz." He said, looking at me smiling. "Is there any news?"

"Uh no. They said that the doctor would be here in a few minutes." I said, fiddling with my fingers.

"What's up?" He asked, noticing my distress.

"I guess I'm just nervous." I said as he grabbed both of my hands.

"Yeah me too. I mean it can't get much worse right?" I shook my head no and was about to speak when the doctor came into the room, with another person following him.

"Hi Louis. You know me of course." Louis and I shook our heads as it was Dr P, the one who took care of Louis after the accident. He was great and took really great care. "This is Dr. Shepard, a neurological specialist. I asked him to look at the MRI and he might have some news for you. Dr. Shepard?" He said looking towards the other doctor.

"Okay so just looking at your MRI, I don't see anything. However with the leads that we've attached to look at your brian and spinal cord activity and it appears that some of the nerves that are attached to the damaged part of the spinal cord have almost come back to life, which would explain the slight feeling in the soles of your feet." He said looking through his clipboard.

"So what does that mean?" Louis said anxiously.

"It's possible that with extensive physical therapy that you are doing, you could manage to stand and possibly walk a few steps, or even short distances." He said, but he seemed hesitant.

"Is there something else?" I asked.

"Well we looked at an extensive view of your spinal cord and it appears that the rest of the damaged nerves have no way of recovering, so there isn't a possibility of full spinal cord recovery, so you'll still have to be in a wheelchair. However if your nerves for your feet and ankles recover and allow for feeling, you could walk at least a few steps for transfer purposes, or even short distance." The doctor smiled.

"So there is a chance I could stand and walk, at least a little bit?" Louis asked, smiling.

"Yes. I would like to talk with your physical therapist to discuss a new plan in order to rebuild your strength and hopefully get you walking or at least standing. It'll probably be a while before you regain any feeling in your ankles, but the physical therapy should help with that." Louis nodded and he looked at me.

"This is good right? I mean at least if I could take a few steps it would change everything." I was hesitant at first, not too sure if this would work, but honestly if Louis was happy, then so was I.

"Of course Lou! I mean we are figuring out how to deal, so even if it doesn't end up working, we'll still manage." He nodded and looked back towards the doctors.

"Yes good. There is a chance it might not work, but with the progress you've made already, it's a pretty slim chance that it won't work. Do you have any other questions?" He asked, closing his clipboard.

We both shook our heads no and he smiled and he left. The nurse came back in to tell us that we could leave now. Harry put me back into my chair and we headed on home, looking forward to the future.

Over the next few weeks, Louis' physical therapy plan was increased to be more aggressive. He ended up standing in a harness so that he could get used to the feeling of walking again. About 6 months after the accident, Louis was able to stand on his own and walk about 2 feet. He actually surprised Harry at the appointment and Harry broke down crying because it was so overwhelming just to see him stand again.

It's about a year after the accident and Louis is able to transfer himself in and out of the chair and really only uses the wheelchair for going out. He uses some hand crutches to get around the house when he has pain, but he can usually manage walking with the help of Harry and the wall.

Harry and Louis end up going off and getting married, where Louis is successfully able to walk down the aisle with no help, which is a huge success to where he was a few years back.

A/N - Thank you so much for 2K reads. Like I said, I didn't think this was going to get anywhere, so thank you. Also check out my story, Crashing Down, if you haven't already if you are looking for a good Larry story.

Put any requests here or on the update chapter. I have a few more ideas of my own, but I am running out so I'll accept anything!

Also I'll be taking a break starting December 20th and running to January 2nd to enjoy my winter break. I'll probably still write, but I won't be posting. I'm hoping to get one more story finished by that time and then I'll post an update saying that I'll be gone for those 2 weeks. 

Take care!


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