Chapter 2

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Additional Cast:

Toru Uchikado as Ren Kurosawa

Alice's POV 

The beach was so amazing. It was calm with no waves and the sun was shining strong. I spent the whole day at the beach with my friends, which is the meaning of the summer holidays. I was getting in and out of the sea all the time and let the cool water refresh me from the heat. When I was out, I enjoyed the sun rays hugging my body while I was sunbathing. I just didn't want to leave, but Ren threatened to throw me to the sharks if we weren't going to eat soon. Like he said club sandwich from a beach bar wasn't even close to filling his stomach and he was right. I felt mine complaining right away. I couldn't believe I had such a great time that I forgot my hunger. Who? Me, whose middle name could be 'food'. Finally, we left the beach at 8 o'clock and we found a restaurant(which will have a supply shortage after our visit) and we stayed there until 10.

Now I am sitting on the bed of my hotel room, waiting for Angela, a British friend to finish her bath, so I can get in. At last, she's done and I am free to clean myself from the sand and the sea's salt. I feel the water really refreshing falling on my tanned body(my summer sunbathing was a total success) and I am thinking about what to wear for my last night in California.

After I am done Angela is still in her towel. I look at her with shock.

"Are you kidding me? Are you still not dressed? Ren will go complete Terminator on us if we're not ready on time."

"I know but I can't find what to wear." She says with a desperate voice, showing me a pile of clothes on our bed.

I look at them in distress. Who's going to clean this mess? Not me for sure!

"OK calm down! We'll find something." I am trying to reassure her. I start digging in the pile and I find a yellow tight short dress, sleeveless on the one arm and I turn to Angela.

"I think this is perfect. It suits your body perfectly."

She looks at it in disbelief at first, but then a smile crosses her face.

"I think you're right. You're my rescuer!" she says in relief.

"That's me! Always saving the day!" I tell her with a victorious voice.

After I dried my hair and made it in perfect curls I reach for my suitcase to search for the perfect outfit. And there it is my favorite dress. It's blue, airy at the end, and short just to be sexy.

Then I begin doing my makeup when I hear a knock on the door. I look at my cell and I realize that the time has passed and we should've been down 20 minutes ago. Angela reaches the door and when she opens it Ren rushes into the room with anger on his face. Damn the Japanese with their punctuality.

"What the hell are you doing?" he shouts.

"Getting ready," I answer as nothing happened.

"You should've been down 20 minutes ago!" he yells showing me his watch.

"Yeah, I just figured that, but don't worry we're almost ready." I smile trying to calm him down.

"Almost?" he repeats like he's talking to a dumb person.

"We're on the make-up part and you know girls can't go to a club without being 100% perfect and the makeup is like 50% of it." I defend myself and Angela, who doesn't interrupt us, because she knows I am the only one I can reason with Ren when he's freaking out.

"Why do I keep having my hopes up?" He sighs.

"Never expect a girl to be on time, especially when that girl is me!" I smirk.

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