Chapter 7

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Additional Cast:

Jojo Kushner as Kate Parker   

Meghan Ory as Claire 

Booboo Stewart as Grant Simmons

Nathan's POV

I've been in bed for 2 days now. And when I say in bed, I don't mean it in a good way. What the fuck was I thinking trying to help that annoying freak? I usually don't get in others' business. I have my own to worry about. Let's start with the fact that I missed fucking practice these past 2 days. Definitely not a good start for the season or the team. Being this year's so called big talent has created much anticipation to my team players and the coach. I have to be punctual and let them know fast that I'm not a dick with a big ego. I just want to play basketball. That's what I'm good at, what I've always been good at. At first, I was only looking forward to spend some time with my old man. Dr Parker still passes most of his days and nights at his clinic. That's how it has always been. But he always tried to steal time for some father-son bonding, playing basketball at our backyard. Somehow this growed on me and I became good. Real good without even trying that hard. Some call it being a natural, I don't know how to call it, so I'll agree with them.

I was the captain of our high school team and the key player to every single game. That brought much attention to my name. I chose this university just to keep the tradition alive as my dad studied here too. That's the reason why I also entered the ΚΕΓ house. Legacy and all that shit got me in without any initials or tests that fraternities put their candidates into. I won't complain. It seems like a decent place to socialize. Plus, being on the basketball team and a ΚΕΓ brother is a plus plus for the ladies. Not that I ever had a problem with that really. I also was a natural at charming girls since elementary school. I was the class president, prom king...All this nonsense attracted them for no reason obvious to me. I must admit high school years were entertaining and so I intent to make my college ones. Basketball, parties, sex and messing around. I don't have time for commitment or anything serious. I never had or wanted something like that to be honest. My phone rings and I see my mom's picture on the screen.

"Yeah." I pick it up.

"Hellooo, Nathan!" I move my phone away from my ear before I lose my ability to hear.

"Hey, little monster. When will you learn how to use the phone properly? You're already 7." I tease her.

"You mean almost 8! I would punch you in the face if you were here." I can say she misses me by the tone of her voice. "Are you feeling any better? Mommy asks if you still have fever."

"It's almost gone, I feel okay."

"Terrific! Eat some soup and you'll feel even better tomorrow!"

"Haha, you became a doctor now?"

"Well, I might be one day. Who knows. If I don't become a teacher. Or a singer. Or an astronaut."

"Yeap, 'cause you're clearly qualified for all of the above."

"Hey! If you were her, I would so punch you in the face again! Mummy says we should leave you rest so I guess I have to say goodbye. Kisses from the both of us big bro!"

"Take care, Kate."

My younger sister has driven me nuts since the day I left for college. Actually, way longer considering she kept calling me everyday during my summer trip. What a trip it was indeed! Let's just say that accompanying my friend George to his trip to Greece was the best decision I took as a graduate. Staying at the beach all day long, then waiting for the sun to come up at the local clubs. Yeah, that was good. Adding Elena to all this, makes it even better. Oh the things she could do with her tongue. Yeah, even better no doubt. We stayed at George's relatives for about a month, then I came home and left right away for college due to my practice schedule. Kate kept complaining but my parents seemed understanding. I haven't seen them that much or talked to them really but we are all busy. Me with college, my father with clinic, my mother trying to tame that little monster I have for a sister and attending these social boring as hell events she likes to go.

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