Chapter 88

128 6 14


Additional Cast:

Nick Zano as Alex Summers

Evangeline Lilly as Phoebe Combs(Adams)

Nathan's POV

It's already Tuesday and the frat house is still a mess from Friday's party. It seems like my fellow ΚΕΓ brothers decided that it would be better to extend the party for a couple days than cleaning this place up. I won't complain, we did have fun, ladies included and not. It is really strange being able to wake up on your own and not by the loud music or from people's screams. I kinda got used to it during these past days. Anyway, seems like I am going to class today, since obviously there is no way I help with the chores. I get ready and try to sneak out of the house, getting some deathly glares from some other frat boys, but they do not dare to talk to me. I have built a satisfying reputation for myself after all. I get in my car and call Robin putting her on speaker. Theoretically we go to the gym every Tuesday together. Apart from the Tuesdays she bails on me for her girlfriend. Being whipped and all. Geez, Robin is the master of all the whipped ones in the world.

"Hey, Nate." She picks ups after a few rings. Her voice is not cheery though like usual.

"Hey you whipped face. What's up?"

"Um... good... you? What's up, why are you calling?" she asks and sounds distracted.

"I didn't expect anything less from you. You obviously don't include our bromance activities on your calendar." I say eyerolling even if she can't see me. "Are you with Soph? How's that coming out party of yours going? Did my invitation get lost in the mail?"

"Um... listen Nate, can I call you back another time? Things did not go well..." she says.

"What do you mean?" I say as I stop at the traffic light on Malone's street. This damn thing always gets me.

"Well, mama Ford did not take it well.. Sophie is here, she is a mess.. things suck right now.." she puffs through the phone.

"Shit. It is bad, right? How's Sophie?" Man, I totally forgot about it. Robin has told me she had good vibes about this whole thing. It sucks she was wrong in the end.

"To be honest I don't know what to do, Nate... she is broken... I don't know how to help..."

"Shit, I'm coming over." I stop her from saying anything else and turn over, ignoring the corns from the assholes around me. It is sort of an emergency, you idiots.

"No Nate, that's ok, you don't have to come..." She tries to change my mind. Like that ain't happening. Doesn't she know who she is talking to?

"I said I'm coming. I'll be at your house in 10." I say and hang up, not letting her bullshit on me again.

As impossible as it would have sounded some months ago, I consider Sophie as a friend of mine. I have no idea how this friendship came up or blossomed or whatever they say about stuff like this, but she is having a hard time and the least I can do is show up. After I do that, I honestly have no idea what I should do but first things first.

I arrive at Robin's house in 8 minutes actually, I don't know if I have made it here faster before. I am proud of myself. Anyway, I ring on the bell with zero plans in my head.

Alex is the one to open the door.

"Oh... Um, hi Alex." I greet him frowning.

I know he lives at this house but I've only seen him here once on Thanksgiving. Seems like Robin wants to have the house to herself for naughty times most of the time. I should tease her about it. Well, not now. It doesn't sound like a good idea considering what is going on.

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