Chapter 51

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Additional Cast:

Nick Zano as Alex Summers

Robin's POV

I run around the house getting the table ready for the annual Summers Thanksgiving. This year though things are a bit different. For starters, Sam's family won't be joining us tonight, and neither will Kira, but unlike the previous years, Soph, Joss, Nathan, Vanessa, and Alice, will be joining us. It was Alex's idea to give the guys an open invitation, 'cause he wanted to get to know the guys better, and by guys I mean mostly Sophie, 'cause he wants me to call her over for dinner once a week to get to know her better, but I refused of course. I barely got through an awkward dinner once, I aint doing that once a week.

Sam is invited over at Nicky's and busted my ears 3 hours ago being hella nervous over meeting her future mother in law (kidding). She is not the person to wear girly dresses and probably doesn't own any, so she was freaking out, wanting to look presentable to Cara, Nicky's mom. No father. The guy left them when Nicks and her brother were little..

Kira is visiting her family so she can't make it, which is a bummer 'cause I would love for her to meet Sophie. But I guess there's time for that in the near future.

Anyway, Sophie called earlier to ask what the dress code was so that she won't be underdressed, if that's even possible for miss 'Preppy', and told me she is very nervous over it, which of course is not a surprise, so I tried to calm her down the best I could.

I feel really honored that the others opted to have Thanksgiving with us. Alice's dad had to cancel, Nathan didn't wanna go to his house this year and Vanessa being her lovely self didn't want to leave Alice alone, Sophie wanted to spent our first Thanksgiving together as well, and Joss had to stay for academic reasons, so they took my invitation. I hope everyone has a good night and enjoys the food as well. Alex has been cooking since morning, being over excited over this. We both love having people over, we hate an empty house, 'cause in the silence, we both know that it's just me and him. 2 instead of 4 or maybe 5...I wonder sometimes if my parents were alive..would I have a little sister or a little brother? Sometimes it sucks to think of the things that could have happened if the other car hadn't lose control. I usually have this need to picture of a different version of myself, during the holidays. Thanksgiving, Christmas,'s the time families get together, but for me and Alex it's just another reminder that we are the only Summers left. All four grandparents are dead and I have no other uncles and aunts. Alex is the only one I have.

I was 9 when I realized how small my family was, so after a semi serious conversation with Alex, we invited Jake and his family over for the first Summers Thanksgiving. The amount of people joining us grew bigger every year ever since. This one time, 3 years ago we hosted up to 20 people, and it was a big of a trouble for us, but we both loved it.

We, Summers, love a crowded place. It breaks the silence.

"Hey, kid, get the turkey off the oven, it's almost time, your friends will be here soon." Alex yells from the living room, so I run to the kitchen and turn off the oven. The turkey smells fantastic! Thank God we didn't burn it like last year. Last year we ended up eating burgers, and Sam had a food poisoning. Epic moments.

I run back up to my bathroom to grab my shoes and after a quick look at the mirror, I go downstairs and join Alex on the couch, relaxing before the gang gets here.

"The house looks good, well done kid" he kisses my cheek and hugs me.

"I can clean when I want to." I mock him. "Thank God you didn't burn the food this year." he laughs.

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