Chapter 68

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Additional Cast:

Tatiana Maslany as Kira Killian

David Chavret as Cole Parker

Alyssa Milano as Melanie Parker

Jojo Kushner as Kate Parker

Robin's POV

A vibration somewhere near my ear startled me, causing me to wake up. My phone is going off like crazy next to me, on my pillow, and I grab it groaning.

Another damn Saturday ruined by someone. What have I done in this life to deserve this? I am a nice person!

I look at the wall clock for seconds and the time is 12:43, great. I bet it's Sophie. I lay on my back and finally look at my phone. Sophie's name is not there surprisingly enough, instead, the face I see on my screen is Kira's. I press Accept Call.

"Wake up Monkey!!" her sweet voice reaches my ears. Another cheerful person in the morning. Typical Kira.

"Hey, Kira. Morning." My voice is deep from sleep.

"Alex called and told me he has to stay longer at work, which means you will probably end up eating junk food. So, being the perfect person I consider myself to be, I am bringing you lunch. I get off work in 15'. Get up Monkey!" with that the call ends. I toss the phone on my mattress and puffing heavily, I turn to my side and close my eyes again.

The persistent sound of the doorbell wakes me up again. Shit, Kira is here!

I get up and put my sweatpants, my sports bra and a T-shirt, and rush my way downstairs. I almost fell but thank god for my quick reflexes! (Kidding, I am clumsy as fuck, so I guess I got lucky). With a short breath, I reach the front door and open it.

"Ha! I knew you would fall asleep again!" her eyebrow is raised but her smile is plastered on her face.

"Hey Kira." I eye roll. She walks past me holding 3 bags of Chinese as I can see. Cool, it's been a week since I ate Chinese. I follow her in the kitchen and watch her put the bags on the counter, take the boxes out and then put them in the microwave. I give her a confused look when she turns around and comes near me smirking.

"I haven't seen you since New year's, Monkey! Let's hang out for a while and then eat." She says and hugs me tightly, almost motherly like.

Kira has been something like a mother to me I guess. She and Alex have been together for almost 8 years and yes, they still don't wanna tie the knot. Don't ask me why that is. I keep asking Alex but he says that they are fine that way.

I was eleven and a half when I first met her. Long story short, my uncle had a minor injury at work while rescuing an old lady from a building fire, so he ended up in the hospital for stitches. Kira was one of the nurses there, so details aside, now they are together. Alex brought her home on a fine Sunday morning and they took me to the zoo. For some reason I got super excited about the monkeys, which lead to my nickname, a nickname I would despise under other circumstances, but that's not the case with Kira, plus I don't think there's a chance she will stop calling me that any time soon, so it has grown on me.

We sit on the couch and turn the TV onto E! to watch the Kardashians.

"What did Alex say?" I ask. He was supposed to be off work at 13:00 but I guess he was needed at the fire station. When I was a kid, he rarely worked at nights, and the times he did, Kira would sleep over to watch after me since she always works the morning shift at the hospital, but now that I am a grown up he takes a few night shifts a week, which of course helps with me and Sophie. I can't complain, we do have privacy, especially now that we do need it. Anyway, Kira has been in my life for a long period of time and I love her. We share a strong bond, not exactly like mother and daughter... maybe like older sister – younger sister status, but no matter the label, I love her. Considering she has been here for so long, it was only natural. Her persona also helped. She is very kind, sweet and caring, and I don't know if it is possible for someone to have a mother instinct without having a child, but Kira surely has it.

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