Chapter 27

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Additional Cast:

Dulce Maria  as  Nina Andrews

Ansel Elgort as Matthew "Matt" Foster 

Alice's POV

When we got home, Vanessa went to take a bath and I went to the common kitchen to prepare a snack to eat. I met some acquaintances there, so I ended up chatting with them and as a result, I lost track of time.

When I returned to my room, Vanessa was watching fan made youtube videos from our favourite series in her pjs.

"Alice I am feeling like watching a romance! What do you think?" She asks me having her legs on her chair and hugging her knees with one hand, while the other is one the mouse.

"Ok! Let's cry! I let you choose!" I say, as I sit at my desk to send my paper. I plug the USB and I find my file.

"Movie's ready!" Vanessa announces, while she grabs a bag full of marshmallows!

I really wonder where all this sugar goes, since she's slim and she doesn't work out! She must have a hell of a metabolism!

"Ok! Wait to send my paper!"I click on the file and it's sent.

I sit next to Vanessa on the bed with a bag full of mini chocolates and the movie starts. After the end of the movie and many tissues tossed aside, we turn off the lights and we fall asleep.

The next morning I wake up from Vanessa's rushing in the room. Why is she a morning person? I look at my phone and it's freaking 9 am! Oh God! Today both of us don't have any morning classes, so why did she wake up?

"Vanessa it's fucking early! What the hell are you doing?" I growl and I put my head under the pillow.

"Did I wake you?"

"Nooooo this is just sleep talk." I growl again in a sarcastic tone.

"So sorry Alice! I tried to be as quiet as I could! I just can't sleep more than the necessary 8 hours, so I woke up and I tidied the room."

I remove my pillow and I see her moving things around.

"What are you tiding exactly? Everything's in place!" I observe raising and eyebrow.

"When I am nervous, I am stress cleaning!"

"What made you stressed? The day hasn't even started yet!" I raise my torso, but my eyes refuse to open.

"I have to study and write this article for the paper and-"

"Ok I've got an idea. I am stressed as well and I haven't even opened my eyes. Well, since I am awake, I am going to take coffees and donuts and teach you some yoga exercises, because you desperately need them!" I tell her with a smirk and I am heading to the bathroom.

"Teach me the simple ones, as I don't want you to untie me afterwards." she chuckles.

After half an hour we are chatting in the dorms eating delicious donuts and drinking hot coffee! At least me, because Vanessa's coffee is resembled more to a sweet cake than an actual coffee.

The conversation jumps from one subject to another! She is narrating to me the first time she ever ate a donut at her best friend's Emma 6th birthday. It was one of the highlights of her life. She loves donuts and pancakes and everything involving sugar, but marshmallows is her big weakness. That I could tell, she always has a pack of those in her drawer. Seems like she shares this obsession with Emma. They must be really close, Vanessa always smiles when she talks about her. I can't wait to meet her in person, I really liked her through our common skype sessions over analysing our favourite shows. It turns out Emma is a huge shows freak as well, but due to her travelling all around Europe, she has missed a ton of episodes. Vanessa is such a geek when it comes to fangirling. She might be even worse than myself. She loves to make theories and speculations on what's to happen to our favorite characters and spends hours on tumblr reblogging her otps. She usually goes for cheesier couples than me, but we do have some common ships, like Klaroline duh! I mean, who doesn't ship Klaroline? She hasn't travelled around at all, except those 4 times she visited her grandma at North Carolina. She is fascinated by my stories and the way I have grown up and whenever we get the chance she begs me like a little child to tell her about my life in London, Tokyo, Barcelona, the South France and every other place I have been. She is a great listener and I think she prefers listening than talking herself. Except the times she gets excited over something. Then she babbles non stop, but that makes her even cuter.

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